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Alli for Google Performance Max - Release Notes


Removed error-prone dependencies and brought entire process into Alli & stability improvements in the backend to ensure continual support from the tool, and to limit the potential for errors.

New Live Statuses - Users can see how a version rotation faired and can dive into versions with errors to see more explicit and clear errors

  • Live + Completed: the version rotation was 100% successful.

    • No edits allowed except to extend the end date of the version.

  • Live + Completed With Errors: the version rotation was partially successful, there were issues with 1 or more asset(s).

    • No edits allowed except to extend the end date of the version. Either make the necessary adjustments in Google Ads, or adjust the end date in the current version to end soon, and duplicate, make adjustments, and set the new version to go live when the errored version ends.

  • Failed: There was an error and no assets were applied in Google.

    • No edits allowed except to extend the end date of the version; either make the necessary adjustments in Google Ads, or adjust the end date in the current version to end soon, and duplicate, make adjustments, and set the new version to go live when the errored version ends.

  • In Progress: The version is in the process of being rotated into Google, refresh and/or check back in 1-4 minutes and the final status will be displayed.

    • No edits allowed

  • Draft: The version is created but has no schedule associated with, so Alli will not do anything with it until it does.

    • Editing is allowed

  • Expired: Past versions, already ran at some point in the past.

    • No edits allowed.


Backend update to Google Ads request batching - mitigates any overload issues we saw with our internal server, and will reduce or eliminate issues with the Google Ads API as well.


The search bar is back & better than ever! Users can use it to search through and find campaigns for easier version creation and swapping.

Updates to “save” reminders, to provide more clarity about what will be live when a version swaps.

Backend performance improvements.


The Alli for Pmax tool now supports providing up to 15 headlines for Pmax campaigns. Previously, users could add 5 headlines. With this upgrade, you will be able to continue creating dynamic Pmax campaigns at scale with ease.


Image Support: Adding support for image asset types in versions. Users can supply Marketing Image, Square Marketing Image, Portrait Marketing Image, Logo, and Landscape Logo image types. Previously only text assets were supported.

Enhanced Execution Logs: Execution logs will show if executions were successful or not by asset. Previously we only noted when a rotation was successful, but provided less information for failures.


All PMax x ChatGPT upgrade: The Alli Pmax feature allows users access OpenAI’s ChatGPT to generate campaign copy. The feature has been upgraded to now use the latest GPT-4 model, allowing for higher quality outputs to leverage in your Pmax search campaigns!


Copy Versions Across Accounts, Campaigns & Asset Groups: Enhanced duplication feature for versions. Previously versions could be duplicated to the same asset group, and this release allows users to duplicate a version to other accounts, campaigns or asset groups in addition.

New sorting and filtering options on all versions tables: View by Schedule Date, Version Name or Last Updated

Specific errors: (There is an error) replaced with multiple, specific error messages (Multiple headlines cannot have the same content


Updated Headline Character Count: Google updated the character limit for Headlines to be 30 for all five. Previously it was 15 one of them and 30 for the other four.

Updated Schedule Timezones: We updated the timezone in Alli to align to the timezone of your Google Customer Account as an attempt to simplify the timezone conversions needing to be done.

Scrollable Account Selection: We updated the account selection component to be scrollable for ease of visibility.

Execution Log: We added an execution log to Asset Groups to provide you the ability to view past version executions. Currently only showing successful runs but will soon show both successful and unsuccessful.


Launched Alli for Google Performance Max.

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