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How-To: Using the Execution Log

The Execution Log in Alli provides a detailed record of actions performed on your Asset Groups, including successful updates and any errors encountered. Use this guide to review the logs and troubleshoot issues effectively.

Step 1: Navigate to the Execution Log

  • Go to the Landing Page and select the Asset Group you want to review.

  • Click on the Execution Log tab to view all recent activities.

    • The log contains the Version Name, the date the rotation ran, and the status of the rotation.

  • Click on View Details for the rotation you want to review.


Step 2: Review Log Entries

  • Each log entry includes

    • Applied Assets which showcases the successfully applied assets.

    • Errored Assets which showcases the assets that faily to apply

  • Open the Errored Assets and review the error field for specific information as to why the asset had issues.


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