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Social Ad Trafficking - Campaign Shells - Set-Up Instructions

Step by step instructions are included below for how to onboard your client onto Social Ad Trafficking for Campaign Shells

This example is for MIO/Trafficking sheets coming from Smartsheet

Reference Materials:

  • Example SAT MIO/Trafficking Sheet

    • Not all columns are required, depending on the objective & other specifics. Repetitive & consistent fields (like FB Account ID, Instagram ID, etc, can live in the Lookup Sheet)

  • Example Lookup Sheet


Good rules of thumb for MIO & Lookup sheet datasource setups

  • Both your MIO & Lookup Sheet should be set to Replace (not Add & Update) to ensure there are no duplicates

  • Date columns should always come in as date timestamp data types (not strings aka numbers and letters in Alli Data)

  • Budget columns should come in as Numbers Only data types

  • ID columns (like Account Id, Instagram Account ID, Campaign ID, etc) should come in as Numbers and Letters aka string data types

  1. MIO/Trafficking Sheet Available in Alli Data

    1. Must contain the following columns:

      1. Campaign Name

      2. Objective

      3. (Campaign) Start Date / Some Date Column

        1. Used later to filter to which campaigns should be created

        2. Must be a date timestamp type in Alli Data

      4. Budget

        1. Must include budget $ value column

          1. Must be a numeric column in Alli Data

        2. If your campaigns use the same budget type (ie Lifetime Campaign, Daily Campaign, Lifetime Ad Set or Daily Ad Set, then you do not need to include budget_type)

        3. If your campaigns change budget type, you mus include budget type column

          1. Values: (Lifetime Campaign, Daily Campaign, Lifetime Ad Set or Daily Ad Set)

  2. SAT Lookup Sheet Available in Alli

Step 1: Set Up Your Alli Data View

  1. Reference the SAT Campaign Shell SQL documentation (also found in this folder) for copy/paste and easily adjustable SQL depending on your needs.

  2. Once your query is finished, navigate to the Alli Data Reporting section, and then Alli Data Explorer

  3. Select Create New Data Report, and for Report Type, select Custom Redshift

  4. Name your view, copy/paste your SQL, and then remember to Save & Publish your new view

Step 2: Create Your Action

  1. Navigate to Actions within Alli and select ‘Create Action’

  2. Either using the Search feature, or scrolling through the available options, select the Social Ad Trafficking - Create Campaign Shell

  3. In the Configure setup, name your Action and select an appropriate user login for the authenticated account.

    1. The authenticated account should be one that has access to the Facebook Ad Account that you are creating campaigns within

    2. If you have no usable authenticated accounts, you can add a new one by clicking the 3 bubbles at the top right, Settings, and then add a new one there

  4. In the Set Datasource section, select Amazon S3

    1. In file, place trafficking/+ client name (found on the top left of the page) + /social-trafficking-output.csv

      1. Ex trafficking/Client/social-trafficking-output.csv

    2. In bucket, place actionsprod-imports

    3. Leave aws region, aws access key id, and aws secret access key blank

    4. Click Save

  5. Confirm the settings of your Action, and then click Publish

    1. Your Action does not need a schedule as your Marketplace app will manage that

  6. Copy the url to your Action and move on to Step 3, Creating Your Marketplace App

Step 3: Create Your Marketplace App

  1. Navigate to the Marketplace within Alli and select ‘Discover’

  2. Either using the Search feature, or scrolling through the available options, select Social Ad Trafficking: customized asset placement aggregator

  3. The Set-Up instructions drop down will also contain instructions and tips for setup that mirror this page and can be used as a reference. Once you are confident, click Install App

  4. Follow the template input instructions:

    1. In slack_channel, place the name of the slack channel you want your alerts sent to (that a new campaign shell has been created)

      1. Remember, Alli must be invited to the channel to send messages!

    2. You can leave filename blank, or replace it with your preferred filename

      1. If you replace the filename, you will need to go to your Action and adjust. Ex: If you make filename sat_file, then your new action file would be trafficking/+ client name (found on the top left of the page) + /sat_file.csv

    3. Place the view name you just created in Step 1 in the input for bulksheet_relation

      1. So if your view name is social_ad_trafficking in the client (like in the example), you could place client.social_ad_trafficking

    4. Leave audiencemap_relation blank for now (not needed for campaign shell creation

    5. Place the link you copied from the action you just set up in the actions_link_url

    6. For Traffickign Level select New Campaign Shell

  5. Last, before Saving your App, set up your Marketplace schedule. This will dictate the schedule for the entire process! We recommend (if you are using the above SQL) to run once/day at whatever time works best for your team.

    1. Don’t set your schedule for more than once per day

Sending Slack Messages to PMGMoroch or PaidSocial slack spaces

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