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Working with Alli Client States

As a client is created and used within Alli it moves through several states that allows Alli to provision the required infrastructure for the client. This document describes those states.

Only Alli Central power users may change a clients state and only certain state transitions are allowed.


When a client is first created it lands in a created state. At this point the client is not truely enabled within Alli and no automated processes begin to run.

After a client is created, its global settings and application settings are configured.


After a client’s settings are configured and ready, the client must be moved to a pending state. This informs our infrastructure processes that the client is ready to be provisioned.


After a client’s infrastructure is provisioned it will move from pending to enabled. At this point the client will be visible in the sidebar and client switcher for normal users and automated processes like datasource imports and marketplace apps may be run.


When a client is disabled, all of its automated processes in Alli stop and it disappears from users' client switchers. Clients are usually disabled when the offboard from Alli.


After a client is disabled, it may be moved to archived. In an archived state, automated infrastructure will kick in an remove a client’s data but keep it’s infrastructure up. An archived client could be moved back to an enabled state.


Deleted clients have their infrastructure removed. To be re-enabled they must be moved back to a created state, reconfigured, then moved to pending for provisioning again.

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