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ABCD recommendation blurbs


  • Quick Pacing:

    Include 5+ shots or transitions in any 5-second span to maintain high visual energy.

  • Quick Pacing (First 5 seconds):

    Use 5+ dynamic shots in the first 5 seconds to grab attention early.

  • Dynamic Start:

    Keep the first shot under 3 seconds for a fast, engaging start.

  • Supers (text overlays):

    Add clear text overlays to highlight key messages or calls to action.

  • Supers with Audio:

    Use voiceovers to reinforce key messages or calls to action alongside visuals.


  • Brand Visuals:

    Show your brand name or logo clearly at any point in the video.

  • Brand Visuals (First 5 seconds):

    Show your brand name or logo within the first 5 seconds for quick recognition.

  • Brand Mention (Speech):

    Mention your brand in the audio to boost brand recall.

  • Brand Mention (Speech) (First 5 seconds):

    Mention your brand in the first 5 seconds of the audio for early recognition.

  • Product Visuals:

    Feature your product or branded packaging to strengthen brand-product association.

  • Product Visuals (First 5 seconds):

    Show your product or packaging within the first 5 seconds to engage early.

  • Product Mention (Text):

    Include your product name or category in text overlays to increase visibility.

  • Product Mention (Text) (First 5 seconds):

    Add your product name in text within the first 5 seconds for quick recognition.

  • Product Mention (Speech):

    Mention your product name or category in the audio for better recall.

  • Product Mention (Speech) (First 5 seconds):

    Mention your product name in the first 5 seconds of the audio to grab attention early.


  • Visible Face (First 5 seconds):

    Show a human face in the first 5 seconds for an immediate connection with viewers.

  • Visible Face (Close Up):

    Use close-ups of faces to create a more personal connection with the audience.

  • Presence of People:

    Show people or human elements in the video to enhance emotional engagement.

  • Presence of People (First 5 seconds):

    Include people within the first 5 seconds to quickly capture viewer interest.

  • Overall Pacing:

    Keep each shot under 2 seconds on average to maintain an engaging, fast-paced video.


  • Audio Speech Early:

    Include speech in the first 5 seconds to convey your message quickly.

  • Call to Action (Text):

    Add a clear call to action in text overlays to prompt viewer engagement.

  • Call to Action (Speech):

    Include a verbal call to action in the audio to encourage viewers to take action.

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