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Creative Attribute Analysis


This analysis looks at creative attributes within an ad/creative and compares them against a pre-determined KPI and tells us which attributes have a lesser/greater impact on the KPI being measured.


Tool Owner

Zarin Alam

Slack Channel



How the process works

  • The analysis is done via regression analysis, data to be provided by the client teams

  • Example attributes that we can measure

    • Creative Size

    • Call-To-Action

    • Model Imagery

    • Product(s) displayed

    • Color Pallets

  • Example KPIs we can measure against

    • CVR

    • CTR

    • Net Demand

    • ROAS

    • We can also measure against a categorical variable

      • ie.) Whether it performed over goal or not, whether there was a conversion or not

Data Needed


  1. Need at least 30 rows of data

  2. Provide the following columns in a Google Sheet

    1. Creative Name

    2. Attribute Category (number will vary based on how many attributes you want to look at)

      1. This part is manual, we will need you to input the attributes in the creative.

      2. For example, if the category is Call-To-Action, Call-To-Action will be the column name and underneath it you will list out the various Call-To-Actions in the creative (Shop Now, Shop New Arrivals, Shop Sale, etc.).

    3. KPI of interest


3. Submit a Jira ticket with the Data Innovation team here:

  • Provide the link to the google sheet, client name and internal team members

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