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Q: Can we change the displayed performance metrics?

A: Creative Insights uncovers overarching trends and patterns based on creative elements. Creative Insights doesn’t serve as a reporting tool. If you need Creative Reporting with specific metrics and dimensions, our Analytics team can work closely with you to create a custom dashboard solution.

Q: What platforms are supported by Creative Insights?

A: We currently pull all ads and platform performance data for Meta, Google Campaign Manager, and Snapchat. (Coming up soon: Tiktok and Youtube)

Q: What creative formats are supported?

A: We capture and analyze all static and video ads, including formats such as gifs, stories, carousels, etc. The only format we don’t support is 1x1 pixel trackers.

Q: What happens if I have the same creative asset for multiple placements?

A: Creative Insights aggregates performance data for any duplicate asset based on powerful hashing methods, which is a smart system that allows us to identify any copies of your ads. You can see individual performance per placement or the overarching aggregated metrics.

Q: Can I view the performance of a specific campaign?

A: Yes! By adding the campaign name within “More filters”, we’ll display only the ads that belong to that campaign. The summary metrics on top of the ad feed will be an aggregated view for the selected ads.  Keep in mind that Creative Insights may not include every element of performance for a particular creative as it’s limited to specific publishers.  Use data explorer to build a report with all creative data, across all publishers.

Q: Can I sort my ads based on a given performance metric?

A: Besides the Top and Bottom Performers tab,which allows you to select specific preset KPIs to filter creative by, you can always click on the “Table View” option within the Ad Feed. The Table View displays all your ads as rows, enabling you to sort by any of the displayed platform metrics.

Q: Can you view which creatives are live?

A: To view live creatives, users can select the current date within the date picker, since we only show ads with active performance metrics for the day. Adding a value in the “exclude ads with cost/impressions below” filter can also help filter out relevant ads.

Q: What is the roadmap?

Internal A: You can view and explore our internal roadmap in Jira, or reach out to the Insights Product Manager (Diego Pozo) for any clarifications or requests.

Q: Where does the data come from?

A: We leverage Alli Data Library for all  performance data and ads metadata displayed within Creative Insights. All of this data is  available for exploration within Alli Data by exploring the Creative Performance datasource.

Q: How are you identifying the image tags?

A: After capturing and storing a copy of every creative asset, we process them through powerful machine learning algorithms that analyze the creative asset and provide a list of identified elements within the creative.

Q: How are spend / conversions / revenue metrics defined? 

A: All Creative Insights metrics are powered by Alli Data Library. Alli Data Library consolidates platform data from our most popular marketing partners into a unified, holistic view. To view how spend/conversions/revenue and other platform metrics are defined in each platform, view our Field Mapping documentation.

Q: Are Dynamic Creatives included?

A: We display every ad within the platforms integrated into Creative Insights, dynamic ads included. However, we take a screenshot of a single screenshot of the ad preview for our AI analysis, so you may not see all variations of an ad.

Q: What characters are supported?

A: We support all printable ASCII characters, which include: All uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and punctuation marks (!“#$%&’()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~)

Q: Are there any blockers that would limit our ability to scale these products globally? 

A: As long as the data is within ADL and we have the appropriate access tokens for the platforms, Creative Insights is able to import all of our client’s assets.

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