Preview URL Troubleshooting
Before reaching out to the team in #alli-creative-insights, here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot common issues and error messages
For platform-specific errors that are less straightforward, please post in the team slack channel with the preview url link and client name so we can assist you in pinpointing the issue.
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Common Preview Errors (check this first)
Facebook Specific Errors
Snapchat Specific Errors
CM360 Specific Errors
Miscellaneous Errors
Common Preview Errors
Creative could not be found.
What does this mean? Uh oh! Your creative could not be found in the platform.
Next Steps: Verify that the ad you are trying to capture exists in platform. If it does, contact our team to help resolve via an Alli Service Desk ticket here or by sending a slack message on #alli-creative-insights.
Please contact the Creative Insights team to resolve the issue.
What does this mean? Your response gave a bad request error – contact our team and we will help to resolve!
Next Steps: Fill out an Alli Service Desk ticket here or send a slack message on #alli-creative-insights.
Your token is not authorized to perform the request. Refresh your tokens here.
What does this mean? Your tokens don’t have the proper permissions the tool needs to access the platform.
Next Steps: Refresh your token in the settings page (see below).

The requested asset is no longer available on the server.
What does this mean? Your asset may have been deleted from the platform which means we are unable to capture it.
Next Steps: Check in platform to see if the creative is still available and present in the platform. You may contact our team to help resolve via an Alli Service Desk ticket here or by sending a slack message on #alli-creative-insights.
Your request was made in a high traffic time and could not be completed. Please try again by clicking "Refresh creative".
What does this mean? The platform itself was receiving too many requests at once and errored out. This will resolve shortly on their end!
Next Steps: Try again momentarily.
[Platform Name] is experiencing internal errors. Please try again later.
What does this mean? The snapchat platform is having internal problems. There is nothing we can do on our end.
Next Steps: Try again in a few minutes.
Failed to get preview for the ad.
What does this mean? None of the above situations are true. Some other error was thrown
Next Steps: You may contact our team to help resolve via an Alli Service Desk ticket here or by sending a slack message on #alli-creative-insights. Be sure to include client name and ad name if you have it!
Cannot get valid preview after trying all supported formats for FB ad: 1234.
What does this mean? An ad was not able to be pulled from Facebook using any of the ad creative formats we currently support within Creative-Insights.
How can this be resolved?
Please submit a service desk ticket to the Insights team with the impacted ad id(s) so that we can investigate the ad further with the information you provide.
Further Steps (if applicable)
If you know the ad is NOT ran on any of the supported formats, you will also need to submit a service desk ticket with the ad creative format needed so it can be integrated and tested by the team.
If you know the ad runs on a format listed, please reach out to the insights pillar team in #alli-creative-insights on slack and/or submit a service desk ticket with the details.
Keep track of the ad ids you find that display this message. Having that knowledge will help immensely when determining the root cause and next steps we on the Creative-Insights team should take.
Verify the ad exists in platform. Your token may not be configured with the proper permissions within Meta
What does this mean? This is an authorization request error meaning the ad is not able to be accessed with the current Facebook credentials set up for the client on the settings page. Specifically that the user may not have the proper permissions level to view the ad.
Next Steps: This is not the same as your token being invalid in settings! Check for permissions in Meta ads manager. This will likely be catalog management access. Steps Below
1. Determine what catalog the ad is feeding from by navigating to the ad within ads manager.

2. Go to meta ads manager > business settings

3. From business settings, navigate to data sources then catalogs. Verify that you do not have permission to the catalog from above.

4. Reach out to social admin for access to be added.
No valid products in products set. Please refer to product set in Meta platform.
What does this mean? This is an error from the meta platform that you may view in ads manager.
Next Steps: Refer to Meta platform. See this documentation from meta.

Campaign Manager
Check the profile id for the client
A valid token for the client is needed in the settings page to access any of the creatives using the preview url. This happens because the token has expired and needs the user who authenticated to refresh their token.
How can this be resolved?
Navigate to the settings page by clicking the vertically stacked dots in the right-hand corner selecting settings.

Once this page loads, you will see a section called Required Authorization which will display a regular login with google if no user is present or a user and the profile id for the client.

If you are the user who is listed, please refresh your token and load the preview url again.
If you are not the user who is listed or there is no user added, please reach out to the insights pillar team in the #alli-creative-insights slack channel.
Unable to capture creative 1234 for client XYZ. Check the type in CM360 and ensure type is CUSTOM_DISPLAY.
What does this mean? We attempted to capture this asset as with type CUSTOM_DISPLAY but something went wrong with retrieving this asset from the platform. Verify that this asset is supposed to be of type CUSTOM_DISPLAY.
Next Steps: You may contact our team to help resolve via an Alli Service Desk ticket here or by sending a slack message on #alli-creative-insights. Be sure to include client name and the creative id provided in the message and whether or not the intended type was CUSTOM_DISPLAY.
Unable to capture creative 1234 for client XYZ as instream video redirect.
What does this mean? We attempted to capture this asset as with type instream video redirect but something went wrong with retrieving this asset from the platform.
Next Steps: You may contact our team to help resolve via an Alli Service Desk ticket here or by sending a slack message on #alli-creative-insights. Be sure to include client name and the creative id provided in the message. It may be helpful to include if this asset was intended to be an instream video redirect type.
No primary assets found for CM360 creative: id1234.
What does this mean? We attempted to capture this asset and found it did not match any of our supported type.
Next Steps: You may contact our team to help resolve via an Alli Service Desk ticket here or by sending a slack message on #alli-creative-insights. Be sure to include client name and the creative id provided in the message.
Could not find media for creative 1234 and client XYZ.
What does this mean? Could locate a creative id but could not retrieve that creative, meaning it had an empty media id associated with the given creative id.
Next Steps: You may contact our team to help resolve via an Alli Service Desk ticket here or by sending a slack message on #alli-creative-insights. Be sure to include client name and the creative id provided in the message.
Could not find creative for ad 1234 and client XYZ.
What does this mean? Could not locate a valid creative id for this ad id.
Next Steps: You may contact our team to help resolve via an Alli Service Desk ticket here or by sending a slack message on #alli-creative-insights. Be sure to include client name and the creative id provided in the message.
Unknown media type: mediatype
What does this mean? The media found is not of type image or video.
Next Steps: You may contact our team to help resolve via an Alli Service Desk ticket here or by sending a slack message on #alli-creative-insights. Be sure to include client name and the creative id provided in the message.
This platform is not supported. Submit a ticket or reach out on #alli-creativeinsights for further support.
What does this mean? There is no valid retriever for the platform associated.
Next Steps: Please submit a support ticket for the Insights pillar team utilizing Alli Service Desk and be sure to include the platform you are trying to use and any other information you may deem relevant for the team to know.
Not Found: Client with Central ID "abcd1234" Was Not Found
What does this mean? The client ID could not be located in the client database.
Next Steps: Please submit a support ticket for the Insights pillar team utilizing Alli Service Desk and be sure to include the client name and ID given in the error message. You may include any other information you may deem relevant for the team to know.
Internal Ad Id not found with given Platform Ad Id: {adId}

What does this mean? If you are encountering this error, it means the ad id is not present in your client table within the creative insights database. We utilize the ad id provided to cross-reference with the plethora of ad ids stored in the database for validation.
Next Steps:
1. Verify the ad id exists in your client datasource (for internal PMGers, steps here)
2. Run a backfill for the client
Navigate to Creative and click the three dots in the right hand corner and select settings

On the settings page, select a start date and end date or date range

Do you still see nothing after a backfill? Reach out to the team in slack after 5 minutes!
Sometimes these may take time to capture especially if a backfill occurs during our daily imports that kick off at 10:30am. We’ll be happy to check on that particular backfill and let you know what is happening along the way!
I would start by running a small backfill with the start and end date as the earliest date you saw when querying for the ad. For instance: if the earliest date you see is 2023-12-01, use that one day as the start & end date for the backfill in Creative-Insights
Page for .../preview/{ad_id}
throws a 500
What does this mean? Currently, as a client, you lack visibility into the processes behind the scenes. This error indicates an issue occurred during the attempt to retrieve the ad from Facebook's Graph API. With this in mind there are still a few different measures to be taken to resolve this from your end.
Next Steps:
1. Refresh creative from the ad details page

Please keep a note of the live date (denoted by the lighter colored box on the image above] for the ad creative. That way you can run a backfill to import video information for the Video Analysis Tab using the live date if the ad is a video.
If you run a refresh around 1:00pm or later, there is a higher change of this getting through the queue quicker since daily imports for all clients should be completed by then