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How to Create a Sentiment Data Source and Dashboard

If the Client is a member of the Campod Redshift Data Warehouse then the fb_sentiment Table will need to be Unioned with the sentiment_webhook table in Tableau Prep.

Example Tableau Prep Flow - Dutch Bros:

Prep flow can be downloaded and used as a template for any Campod client. fb_sentiment table will need to point to the relevant clients sentiment table. sentiment_webhook will be connected identically to the template example but the “Page ID” filter will need to be adjusted to the clients ID or IDs.


Two Data sources are brought in using BigQuery. The sentiment_webhook table is cleaned then unioned to the fb_sentiment table before being published to Tableau Server.


Data Source 1: Example of a fb_sentiment table for Dutch Bros.


Data Source 2: Example sentiment_webhook Table


Clean Step 2: Page ID needs to be filtered to include the clients Page ID.

“creative_platform”, “comment_count”, “like_count”, “ad_name”, “creative_url” will need to be created like in the above step. “sentimentScore” and “post_id” will need to be renamed to match the fb_sentiment connection.


Data Export: Resulting Data table will be published to the relevant client folder with in the PMG Tableau Server.

Example Tableau Connection - Dutch Bros:

The resulting “Dutch Bros Sentiment” Tableau data connection will be used to create a Sentiment Dashboard.

Example Tableau Dashboard - Dutch Bros:

Dashboard can be downloaded and be used as a template. Client Logo will need to be swapped and the Data source will need to be swapped.


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