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Alli Service Desk

Access to the service desk is granted during Alli access setup.

Once service desk access is granted, the user will receive an email to complete the setup of their Service Desk profile. The invitation expires, please address promptly.

Service Desk Key


Request Type


Alli Support Requests

General Support Help

General inquiries/not sure what request type to submit? Please submit a General Support Help request and the Alli team will help to field accordingly

Alli Support Requests


PMG system returns unexpected results/errors

Alli Support Requests

Product Enhancement Request

Request new functionality in Alli

Alli Support Requests

Alli Training Request

Learn more about Alli!

Alli Data Requests

Alli Data Validation

Please fill out this form to send to our Alli Data teams if a data source does not have the values you expect. Prepare to enter in data source details with a sample export of the data you are QAing against.

Alli Data Requests

Data Addition Request

Request New Account and/or New Publisher/Platform/Vendor be added to Alli

Alli Data Requests

Data Enhancement Request

Request new Metric or Dimension be added to Alli

Technology Access

Technology Access Request

Request access to Alli, Service Desk, and other PMG technologies that are necessary to perform your work.

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