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How-To: Choose the Appropriate Request Type

Detailed explanation of navigating the Alli Service Desk Request Type screens, beginning first with a broad category and then refining to a more specific Request Type.

Once logged in to the appropriate Alli Service Desk for your organization, you’ll arrive at the following screen where you’ll choose the initial Request category. Your category selections will vary depending on your Alli Service Desk permissions.

Alli Service Desk (ASD) categories screen

Request Category - Alli Requests
  1. General Support Help: How to and other support questions

  2. Report a Bug: Reporting an issue or unexpected results

  3. Alli Request: Alli feature requests

  4. Alli Data-Library - Add Accounts: Requests for adding new accounts to Alli Data Library

  5. Technology Access Requests: Requests for additional technology access (i.e. BigQuery, new users or permission changes)

Request Category - Analytics Team Support
  1. Analytics Feature Request: Feature requests that need to be directed to the Analytics team

  2. Analytics Bug: Reporting an issue or unexpected result that need to be directed to the Analytics team

Request Category - Custom Client Solutions
  1. Feed Support: Requests for client feed support

  2. Technical Solutions: Requests that need to be directed to the Technical Solutions team

Request Category - Tagging Requests
Request Category - Client Onboarding & Off-boarding
  1. New Client Onboarding: Request a client to be onboarded to Alli

  2. Alli Offboarding: Request a client to be offboarded from Alli

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