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Tutorial: Social Consolidation Platform Error-Handling Cheat Sheet

Social Consolidation works with Snapchat, Pinterest, TikTok, and Meta directly via API. These platforms have various rules for running media that may not be readily apparent when changing media manually in the UI, but will create errors in the tool when executing media.

We are consolidating these rules here to make media management easier.


Budget Changes

  • Increase or disable your campaign daily spend cap to continue. The sum of your Ad Set daily budgets multiplied by ratio cannot exceed your campaign daily budget spend cap

Status Changes

{id}: Meta, status row [#]: Meta: Failed to update status for ad ID {id}:  Promoted post is unavailable - Your ad is promoting the post {id} which is unavailable. It is either deleted, unpublished, not owned by the ad's page or you do not have permissions to see or promote it. (account id: {id})
  • Authorized user does not have appropriate permissions to edit FB pages. Reach out to @support-alli-solutions to find the authorized user.


Budget Changes

Status Changes


Budget Changes

Status Changes


Budget Changes

{id}: TikTok, budget row [#]: Failed to update campaign {id} in account {id} with budget {##.#}: Request to TikTok was unsuccessful because of a client side error - In order to make changes to this campaign, you must increase your budget to at least 105% of your current actual spend. Please set the budget to at least $ {#} and try again.
  • In order to make changes to this campaign, you must increase your budget to at least 105% of your current actual spend.

{id}: TikTok, budget row [#]: Failed to update Adgroup {id} in account {id} with budget {##.#}: Request to TikTok was unsuccessful because of a client side error - Sorry, you cannot set a scheduled budget change between 23:55-0:00. If you want to set a new budget for tomorrow, you can edit the budget directly after 0:00.
  • You cannot set a scheduled budget change between 23:55-0:00. If you want to set a new budget for tomorrow, you can edit the budget directly after 0:00. Avoid scheduling on the hour at 12:00am / 0:00.

Status Changes

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.