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Activating to Google Customer Match Uploader (CMU)

Sending your audience data using the Google CMU Alli connection allows you to re-engage with your customers across Search, Shopping, Gmail, YouTube, and Display.

PMG is a data management platforms (DMPs) partner that can upload Customer Match data on behalf of clients. This partnership allows us to push clients audience data to partners/publishers for targeting.

To push audiences using CMUs requires Google to whitelist accounts. To get a publisher or account whitelisted either add it using the authorization instructions below or reach out to a Google rep to whitelist PMGs MCC account ID: 989-603-6301

Product Types

Product Type


DFP by Google

Not supported by Google CMU

When pushing audiences to a publisher on behalf of a client (i.e. Vice)


Pushing audiences to a clients adwords account via Alli Google CMU

Invite Partner

Publishing Audiences via google CMU to DV360

Invite Advertiser

Publishing Audiences via google CMU to DV360

Example of how to authorizing PMG in Google DV360



INVALID_PRODUCT error when selecting DFP_BY_GOOGLE and using an Audience link ID

Focusing on the error (CustomerMatchUploaderServiceError.INVALID_PRODUCT @ clientCustomerId.product), I can see that the service used was the CustomerMatchUploaderService. Please note that as per this documentation, only ADWORDS (AdWords) is the supported target product of the CustomerMatchUploaderService. This is the reason why you encountered the error since you're using the DFP_BY_GOOGLE product.

[AuthorizationError.USER_PERMISSION_DENIED @ clientCustomerId]

Ask the Publisher to raise ticket to the Publisher Support, whitelisting thier adwords account ID. Post that, Google initiates the whitelisting process for the network if the contractual agreements are in place. Once it's done, you will be able to push the segments without any issues. 

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.