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Alli Data FAQs & Troubleshooting

Datasource FAQs

Does the SFTP/FTP datasource support compressed files?

Yes, files with an .zip or .gz extension can be ingested. Make sure your file name includes the compressed file extension in order for the datasource to pick up the correct files ie sample_file.gz

Is there a file size limit for manual uploads?

100 MB zipped.

Are there restrictions for custom column names?

Will adding new columns to an existing datasource drop my table?

  • if they are metrics, it will not drop

  • if they are dimensions, it will drop

Can I rearrange the columns of an existing datasource?

  • Yes, you can rearrange the columns, but in redshift/bigquery, tables will just be at the end of the columns.

What date formats are acceptable within Alli?

  • Acceptable formats are MM/DD/YYYY and YYYY-MM-DD.

  • If a time appears after the date (ex. 1/1/2023 12:00:00 AM), the time will be stripped.

What is the historical range limit for Alli datasources?

Redshift Troubleshooting

Cannot connect to redshift

[Amazon][Amazon Redshift] (10) Error occured while trying to connect: [SQLState 08S01] could not connect to server: Connection timed out (0x00000274C/10060) Is the server running on host ”” ( and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5439?


Are you on the office wifi? Reach out in #alli-data

If you’re not on the office wifi, connect to the VPN and try again.

Can we pull data from custom grouping from Google Analytics?

One can only pull Default grouping from Google Analytics API. Custom Groupings aren’t supported by Google Ads API.

Google Datasources 400 Error

There is a good chance your query is invalid, try using the query validator for Google Ads or query explorer for GA4 before submitting a ticket.

SA360 Datasources 400 Error

A 400 from Google Ads or SA360 usually implies that you have an invalid combination of fields. Unfortunately SA360 does not have a query validator. Please start with a minimal number of fields, gradually adding others manually to evaluate for a conflict, before submitting a ticket.

Request failed with status code 400

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.