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Onboarding Bidtellect


  • Access to Bidtellect SFTP creds in 1Pass

Creating the SFTP directory

1.) Log in to the SFTP by running the following in your terminal:

  • copy and paste the password from the 1pass creds

2.) CD into the writeable directory

cd writeable

3.) Check to see if a directory already exists for the client

ls -l

4.) If not exists, create a new directory named as the client slug, e.g. for playground:

mkdir playground
  • CD into it:

cd playground

Reaching out to Bidtellect

1.) Start an email thread with the Bidtellect team (<>, <>, <>) and request for the report files to be sent to the newly created SFTP directory, e.g. for Playground:

Hi team,

Can you send the Playground files to the following SFTP directory whenever they're ready?

Same file format as always - let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.

2.) Once they respond and the file(s) have been sent, verify that it exists in the SFTP, by running an ls -l

Loading and validating the datasource

1.) Go back to the bidtellect_insights_hit datasource and fill out the Additional Confugration tab, e.g., for the client, Playground :

  • Hit Next to save the datasource

2.) Select Load to load the datasource and validate results via the Audit tab

If load succeeds, the file be appended with .processed-

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