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Onboarding The Trade Desk


  • If your client is managed by Partner PMG (Partner ID: emzstyr): API creds ( has access to client's TTD instance if your clients

  • If your client is managed by other Partners, such as PMG - Turbotax, ServiceNow (other Partner IDs): API Username & API Password OR a Long-Lived Token. Those can be obtained from your Tradedesk representative

  • If your client is managed by Partner PMG (Partner ID: emzstyr); other partners can be found below

Creating the Trade Desk Report

1.) Install the Alli Data Library - Trade Desk - Create Reports Marketplace app

2.) Fill out the required fields and run the app

Set the REPORT_TIMEZONE to EST (America/New_York) unless requested otherwise

3.) If successful, the output will include a prompt for each created report, e.g.:

Take note of the report names, as these are needed to link the report to the corresponding datasource

Linking the report to the datasource

1.) In Alli Data, navigate to each of the tradedesk_insights_* datasources and update the following fields:

Required Authorization

You can select an existing authorization or create a new one. Fill out the auth form by entering

  • API Username (find in 1Pass)

  • API Password (find in 1Pass)

  • Long-lived Token (find in 1Pass)

When filling out the authentication form, provide either:

  • API Username and API Password or

  • Long-lived Token

You do not need to enter both.

  • Partner ID (find on Tradedesk UI)



Datasource Configuration

  • Advertiser Name (select the appropriate one based on the client)


2.) Hit Next to save the configuration

3.) Select the appropriate report created in step #3 of the previous section

4.) Hit Next to save the datasource

Backfilling the datasource

1.) Install the Alli Data Library - Trade Desk - Backfill Report Marketplace app

2.) Fill out the required fields and run the app

3.) If successful, you should receive an email (via the email address entered in the app) with the backfill report attached, e.g.:

4.) Download the report and upload it to the corresponding datasource to execute the backfill

  • If your client is managed by Partner PMG (Partner ID: emzstyr)

Creating the Trade Desk Report on UI

1.) Login to the Tradedesk UI and create reports based on your needs from templates

  • tradedesk_insights_ad: created from the template id 1818799

  • tradedesk_insights_geo: created from the template id 1819936

  • tradedesk_insights_inventory: created from the template id 1819976

2.) Download the report once it completes the first load

Linking the report to the datasource

1.) In Alli Data, navigate to each of the tradedesk_insights_* datasources and update the following fields:

Required Authorization

You can select an existing authorization or create a new one. Fill out the auth form by entering

  • API Username (find in 1Pass)

  • API Password (find in 1Pass)

  • Long-lived Token (find in 1Pass)

When filling out the authentication form, provide either:

  • API Username and API Password or

  • Long-lived Token

You do not need to enter both.

  • Partner ID (find on Tradedesk UI)


Auth Form


You can select ‘Any User in {client_slug}' if you want to share the auth form with other users

Datasource Configuration

  • Advertiser Name (select the appropriate one based on the client)


2.) Hit Next to save the configuration

3.) Select the appropriate report from the dropdown list

4.) Drag the downloaded .csv file from this step: 2.) Download the report once it completes the first load into Define your data section (you only need to do this once)


5.) Hit Next to save the datasource and click on Load Data

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