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Social Data Library


This document describes how the various social platforms data is stacked to create a channel-level view for Social Ads.

Current Platforms

  • YouTube Videos (via Google Ads)

  • Facebook

  • Twitter

  • LinkedIn

  • Pinterest

  • Snapchat

  • TikTok


Tool Owner

Data Engineering

Slack Channel




All Data Library for Social data is sourced from raw datasources that are set up and maintained by Data Engineering using the Alli Data API. The data from these datasources is standardized and cleaned up before it’s piped into the final views.


YouTube Videos (via Google Ads)

YouTube Videos data is ingested from Google Ads datasources that are set up and maintained by the PMG Data Engineering Team. These datasources are associated to the following performance reports from the AdWords API:

  • Campaign Performance Report (adwords_insights_campaign)

  • Ad Group Performance Report (adwords_insights_adgroup)

  • Ad Performance Report (adwords_insights_ad)

An AdNetworkType1 = 'YouTube Videos' filter is applied to differentiate from Search Channel data.

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads data is ingested from the following Facebook Ads datasources maintained by the PMG Data Engineering Team:

  • facebook_insights_ad

  • facebook_insights_ad_1day

  • facebook_insights_ad_7day

  • facebook_insights_ad_28day

  • facebook_insights_adset_ageandgender

  • facebook_insights_adset_ageandgender_1day

  • facebook_insights_adset_ageandgender_7day

  • facebook_insights_adset_ageandgender_28day

  • facebook_insights_creative

  • facebookads_structure_accounts

  • facebookads_structure_campaigns

  • facebookads_structure_adsets

  • facebookads_structure_ads

  • facebookads_structure_adcreatives

The datasources with 1day and 7day only contain metrics related to those attribution windows. By default we use the default attribution window for metrics.

The 28day datasources will be deprecated from Data Library in Q2 2022

Twitter Ads

Twitter Ads data is ingested from the following Twitter Ads datasources maintained by the PMG Data Engineering Team:

  • twitter_insights_ad

  • twitter_insights_ad_ontap

  • twitter_insights_lineitem

  • twitter_insights_lineitem_ontap

  • twitter_structure_promoted_tweets

  • twitter_structure_website_cards

  • twitter_structure_video_website_cards

  • twitter_structure_campaign

  • twitter_structure_lineitem

The _ontap datasources pull data from the Twitter Audience Publisher Platform.

The _structure_ datasources are generated from a Alli Marketplace App that drops the data into an S3 bucket for data ingestion into Alli Data.

LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads data is ingested from the following LinkedIn Ads datasources maintained by the PMG Data Engineering Team: linkedIn_insights_campaign and linkedIn_insights_creative

Pinterest Ads

Pinterest Ads data is ingested from the Pinterest Ads datasources maintained by the PMG Data Engineering Team: pinterest_insights_pins & pinterest_insights_adgroup

The pinterest_insights_pins datasource does not contain Shopping Pin performance.

Snapchat Ads - {Currently in Beta}

Snapchat Ads data is ingested from the Snapchat Ads datasource type maintained by the PMG Data Engineering Team: snapchat_insights_ad.

Available Reports

Report Name

View Name


YouTube Videos

Facebook Ads

Twitter Ads

LinkedIn Ads

Pinterest Ads

Snapchat Ads



Account Performance









Campaign Performance









Adset Performance









Ad Performance









Creative Performance







Adset - Age & Gender


Adset Performance segmented by age and gender







Data Lineage



Adset Age & Gender


Column Mapping

Below is the Google Sheet where we are keeping the column mapping.

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