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Service Desk Status Guide

Welcome to the Service Desk Status Guide! This document is designed to help both our valued customers and our skilled service desk technicians navigate the various statuses in our ticketing system.

  1. Waiting for Support

    • What: Open Ticket

    • When: This status applies when a ticket is first opened, after a customer responds, or at any time when technical support is conducting an initial investigation before cloning the request for engineering work.

  2. Waiting for Customer

    • What: Need More Information

    • When: This status is used whenever we require additional information or answers from the customer to proceed. It’s also used when we need customer feedback and comments to move forward.

  3. Scoping with Team

    • What: In Team’s Backlog

    • When: The ticket remains in this status after it has been cloned into the backlog for investigation. It will stay here until it’s assigned to an Engineer who begins development work.

  4. In Progress

    • What: Actively Being Worked On

    • When: This status is automatically applied when a cloned request is in development. It signifies that an Engineer is actively working on resolving the issue.

  5. Blocked/On Hold

    • What: Blocked Due to External Factors

    • When: Tickets are placed in this status when we are awaiting a meeting between the reporter and assignee or when we’re waiting for a reply or progress from an external vendor or partner.

  6. Waiting for Customer Approval

    • What: Work Complete, Customer to Validate (Auto Close in 1 Week)

    • When: This status indicates that the work is complete and requires customer approval. If there’s no response, it will automatically close after one week.

  7. Done

    • What: Work Complete, Work Validated

    • When: Tickets reach this status when the work is complete, the challenge has been resolved, or it can happen automatically through automation if there’s no response.

  8. Canceled

    • What: Request Cancellation

    • When: This status is applied when the reporter resolves the issue themselves or realizes it’s no longer needed. It can also auto-close due to non-response.

  9. Declined

    • What: Request Declined

When: Tickets are declined when the work is too low in priority and won’t be scheduled, or when it’s not applicable and falls outside the scope of services provided by our Alli team members, such as IT or other company department-related work. We hope this guide helps you understand the various statuses within our Service Desk system. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our service desk technicians.

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