How-To: Set Up Alli RSA 2.0
This article provides info on how to onboard to the new Alli RSAs for both Google and Bing RSAs
Smart sheet function is being deprecated, please reach out to Alli Solutions for further help if needed
Step 1: Setting up the Google Sheet
Copy this sheet: . Do not edit the original, choose File-> Make a copy and edit the copy.
While making a copy, be sure to check the “Share with the same people” checkbox.
Once you’ve made a copy of the sheet, you can start editing the sheet with your inclusion/exclusion and RSA details.
Go to HQ page, make sure select the engine (Bing vs. Google) and account ID of your liking . We only support these two at the moment. You can find account ID of your account in the RSA UI. Bing always consists of 9 digit numbers and Google account id always consists of letters + digits. For Bing, the only way to find Account ID is to login to bing and copy the URL, the URL would say AID=”the account ID” . Copy that AID parameter from the URL and use it as the account ID.
Be sure to copy the sheet ID from the URL and save it somewhere for later use
Step 2: Setting up the Marketplace app
Go to and choose your client from the top left.
Search for RSA 2.0 and click Install.
These are the variables that you would need to fill:
notification_emails: Email Id of the person/people to whom the notification emails should be sent. This would notify the successful or failed execution of the app
control_sheet_make: Whether your RSA control sheet is a GoogleSheet or SmartSheet
hq_sheet_name: Leave this blank if you’re using Google Sheets. If you’re using smartsheets, enter the name of your HQ sheet here.
hq_sheet_id: The sheet ID of your Google sheet that you created in the first step.
hq_tab_name: The tab name in your Google Sheet that contains account and mapping details. this will most likely be “HQ”
slack_channel_for_bulk_upload_file: The slack channel to which your RSA bulk upload sheet should be sent to.
slack_channel_for_errors: The slack channel to which your app errors should be sent to.
people_to_at: The people who you want to be tagged when an RSA sheet is sent to slack.
communication_type: Whether you want to receive the bulk sheet through slack, or email, or both.
email_recipients: If your communication type is email or both, fill in the email IDs of the people to whom the bulk sheet should be sent.
output_type: output_type: You can choose between “Submit Live” which would submit the RSAs to Google with a “PAUSED” ad status, or “Download bulk upload sheet” which would generate a bulk upload sheet and send on slack. You can later manually QA the bulk upload sheet and upload it to Google. Please note: the bulk uploads option will send a notification to slack with the processed CSV, users can choose to do it this way and upload this CSV to bing/google ads manually with the added ability to QA before submission, or choose submit live, which will still send that CSV to designated Slack Channel, and then proceed to send that DataFrame to UI automatically. Alli can handle that from start to finish
Copy the link to the Marketplace app and add it to this Google Sheet:
The alli-solutions-team will then go in to your app and add the credentials needed to run the app. You will be notified once the app is ready to run.
Please be aware, the app will only run 1 engine at a time. Do not attempt to run too frequently. it is always advised to wait a few minutes to run the next attempt.