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LinkedIn Ads - Structure


LinkedIn Ads Structure datasource allows you to query settings data about Accounts, Campaigns, Campaign Groups, Creatives, and Posts from LinkedIn Ads account you have access to.





API Documentation

Sunset Date

None as of 01.04.2024
Note: LinkedIn Marketing API Program will publish new versions monthly, and those versions will be supported for a minimum of one (1) year.



Refresh Time (CST)

6 am

Default backfill


Alli Data Library


Before Getting Started

To get started with the LinkedIn Ads Structure datasource, ensure you have the following:

  • A LinkedIn profile with at least Viewer access to a LinkedIn Ads account

  • A LinkedIn Ads account ID found in LinkedIn Campaign Manager

Required Authorization

Click the button to login to your LinkedIn account instance and provide Alli access to your ad accounts.

Additional Configurations

Account ID

Paste in your LinkedIn Ads account ID.

Report Type

Select the type of report, Campaign, Conversion, or Creative, that you like to gather data for.

Available Dimensions and Metrics

Account Report

Column Name


Account ID

Unique numerical identifier for the advertising account

Test Account

Flag showing whether this account is marked as a test account.


The ISO 4217 currency code of the account


Name of the Account

Reference Account

The entity on whose behalf the account advertises.

Serving Statuses

An array of enums with information about the account's system serving statuses.


Status of the Account



Campaign Groups Report

Column Name


Campaign Group ID

Unique numerical identifier for the campaign group

Account ID

URN identifying the advertising account associated with the Campaign. This value is immutable once set

Is Test Account

Flag showing whether this campaign group is a test campaign group


The name of the campaign group used to make it easier to reference a campaign group and recall its purpose.

Serving Status

Array of enums that determine whether or not campaigns within the campaign group may be served

Backfilled Status

Flag that denotes whether the campaign group was created organically or to backfill existing campaigns.


Status of campaign group.

Campaign Report

Column Name


Campaign ID

Unique numerical identifier for the ad campaign


The name of the Campaign; primarily used to make it easier to reference a Campaign and to recall its purpose

Account ID

URN identifying the advertising account associated with the Campaign. This value is immutable once set

Campaign Group ID

URN identifying the campaign group associated with the Campaign

Associated Entity

An URN for a strongly associated object, with semantics varying based on the Campaign type. The urn typically identifies the intended beneficiary of the advertising campaign, such as a specific company or member

Audience Expansion

Campaign provides query expansion for certain targeting criteria. Set to true or false.

Cost Type

CPM - Cost per thousand advertising impressions CPC - Cost per individual click on the associated link

Creative Selection

ROUND_ROBIN - Rotate through available creatives to serve them as easily as possible OPTIMIZED - Bias selection taking into account such things as expected performance. Not available for Message and Conversation Ads (type=SPONSORED_INMAILS)

Daily Budget Amount

Maximum amount to spend per day.

Daily Budget Currency

 ISO currency code

Offsite Delivery

Campaign access to be served on the LinkedIn Advertising Network. Set to true or false.


Status of the campaign

Locale Country

Locale of the campaign. The language and country come from ISO-639-1 and ISO-3166-1 alpha-2, respectively. An uppercase two-letter country code as defined by ISO-3166.

Locale Language

Locale of the campaign. The language and country come from ISO-639-1 and ISO-3166-1 alpha-2, respectively. A lowercase two-letter language code as defined by ISO-639.



Total Budget Amount

 Total Budget Amount

Total Budget Currency Code

 Total Budget Currency Code

Pacing Strategy

Identifies the pacing option used for the campaign.
Optional and editable only on create. Possible values:

  1. LIFETIME - Lifetime pacing that optimizes campaign budget delivery throughout campaign's lifetime.

Optimization Target Type

 Determines how this campaign is optimized for spending. If this is not set, there is no optimization.

Creative Report

Column Name


Creative ID

Unique numerical identifier for the ad creative

Account ID

URN identifying the Account associated with the creative

Campaign ID

URN identifying the campaign associated with the creative


The possible values are:






Serving Status

This indicates whether the creative is currently being served or not

Content URN reference

Content sponsored in the creative.

Created At

Time at which the resource was created in milliseconds since epoch.

Last Modified

Time at which the resource was last modified in milliseconds since epoch.

Posts Report

Posts can be joined with Creatives by Post ID and Creative content_reference

Column Name


Post ID

Unique numerical identifier for the post


The status of the advertising company content


Name of the DSC post


The type of DSC (e.g. VIDEO, STANDARD, CAROUSEL, etc.)

Account ID

Ad Account that created the Direct Sponsored Content


The user generated commentary for the post.


Web page that is opened when the member clicks on the associated content.

Article Title

Article Title

Created At

Time at which the resource was created in milliseconds since epoch.

Last Modified

Time at which the resource was last modified in milliseconds since epoch.

Visibility Restrictions

Visibility restrictions on content.

  • CONNECTIONS - Represents 1st degree network of owner.

  • PUBLIC - Anyone can view this.

  • LOGGED_IN - Viewable by logged in members only.

  • CONTAINER - Visibility is delegated to the owner of the container entity. For example, posts within a group are delegated to the groups authorization API for visibility authorization

Published Time

The time at which the content was published represented in epoch time.


URN of the author of the content.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get the name of my creative?

LinkedIn keeps the creative name within their Post report as name. This report type can be joined with the creative report using the Post ID and the Creative Content URN reference.

Why did my datasource stop loading data?

This could be for a number of different reasons, however it’s often related to the authorization. We suggest trying to refresh your authorization if it has been over a year.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.