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Your always-on quality assurance system

In the fast-paced digital marketing landscape, mistakes can happen across thousands of campaigns and clients. Alli Alerts is here to help, acting as your always-on quality assurance system. Built on top of your Data Sources and Data Library, Alli Alerts ensures your clients are set up correctly, using best practices, and minimizes risks with proactive monitoring.

Whether you’re onboarding a client, optimizing campaigns, or performing routine health checks, Alerts provides customizable templates and industry-specific best practices to keep everything running smoothly.

Why Alerts Matters

  • Proactive Quality Assurance: Automatically catch common mistakes and address key issues across campaigns.

  • Channel and Vertical Templates: Use pre-built, industry-specific alerts (e.g., travel, QSR, retail) to onboard and monitor efficiently.

  • Always-On Monitoring: Stay informed of critical account health checks without constant manual oversight.

  • Efficiency at Scale: Alerts are designed to minimize errors, save time, and provide confidence across multiple clients.

Getting Started

  1. Leverage Pre-Built Templates:
    Start with Alli’s tablestake alerts designed for your client’s channel or vertical. These templates follow best practices and accelerate setup.

  2. Create Custom Alerts:
    If your client has unique requirements, build custom alerts tailored to their needs using your Data Sources.

  3. Monitor Account Health:
    Use Alerts for ongoing health checks, ensuring campaigns meet best practices and are free from common issues.

  4. Integrate Alerts into Workflows:
    Get notified where you work, whether it’s Slack, Teams, or email, to stay on top of key updates.

User Guides

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