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How to enable Big Query for a custom alert


This presentation will walk you through how to enable Big Query for custom alerts.

Steps to Enable a Custom Alert Using BigQuery in the Alli Data API


  1. API Client: Ensure you have an API client like Postman or Talend for Chrome installed.

    1. Talend API Tester

    2. Postman

  2. API Token: Obtain an API token from your Alli Central user profile and use it for authentication in your API requests.

  3. Endpoint URL: All API calls will use the base URL <>

Step-by-Step Guide

Setting up your client

  1. Set the call method to PATCH.

  2. Set the URL to{alertid}.

  3. Set the Authorization:

    • Obtain your API v2 access token from the Alli Central user profile at

    • Use the browser's developer tools to view the request details for the /me request.

Screen Shot 2024-07-30 at 10.07.22 AM.jpg
  1. Include the token in the Authorization header of your API requests:

    Authorization: Bearer [API_TOKEN]
  2. Set the body request to specify BigQuery as the alert's database:

      "databaseType": "bigquery",
      "tags": [

Talend API Tester example:

** Method should be `PATCH`

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Postman Example

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Screen Shot 2024-07-30 at 10.03.55 AM.jpg

Setting up your client

  1. Create an alert through the Alli UI

  2. Edit the alert using your API client:

Now that you have created your alert, you can use the API call you set up earlier to update this alert to use BigQuery.

  1. Replace {alertid} with the ID of your alert, which can be found in the URL when you navigate to the alert.

  2. Send the API Request.

  3. Verify the Alert Creation

    • If the alert is successfully created, the API will return a response with a status of "Success" and details of the created alert.

    • Example response:

        "status": "Success",
        "alert": {
          "id": "5f8d0d55b54764421b7156c3",
          "projectId": "6026d98e3081300006b57d58",
          "databaseType": "bigquery",
          "tags": ["BigQuery"],
          "createdAt": "2024-07-29T10:12:34.567Z",

Example API Request in Postman

  • Method: PATCH

  • URL: <{alertid}>

  • Headers:

    Authorization: Bearer [API_TOKEN]
    Content-Type: application/json
  • Body:

      "databaseType": "bigquery",
      "tags": [

This documentation should guide you through enabling a custom alert using BigQuery in the Alli Data API efficiently.


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