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Turn Data into Actionable Insights

In today’s marketing landscape, disconnected data creates inefficiencies, slows decision-making, and hinders performance. The Categorization tool is a cornerstone of Alli’s mission to centralize data and power smarter marketing decisions. By standardizing and consolidating datasets, it helps teams focus on driving results—not wrangling data.

Why Categorizations Matters

  • Simplify data classification by applying consistent, user-defined rules across multiple sources.

  • Unify diverse data streams to create a centralized, cohesive view of performance.

  • Unlock holistic insights by breaking down silos and combining data into a singular source of truth.

Getting Started

  1. Explore all that Categorizations has to offer:

    1. Follow this tutorial to get an understanding of what’s possible with Categorizations: Tutorial: Getting Started With Categorizations

  2. Create a New Categorization:

    1. Follow this How-To to create your first Categorization: How-To: Add a new categorization

  3. Leverage your Categorization for data analysis:

    1. Follow this How-To to use your Categorization in your SQL report: How-To: Use categorizations within your custom report

User Guides

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