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RSA 2.0 User Reference Document


Alli RSAs is used to add or edit RSAs in Google or to get a bulk csv file containing RSAs that can later be QA'ed and uploaded manually.


Tool Owner

Alli Solutions Team


Gautam Sharma

Tool Features:

  • Add new RSAs to an AdGroup

  • Edit Existing RSAs

  • Submit RSAs in a PAUSED or ENABLED status

  • Add new labels or reinstate deleted labels in your customer’s shared library

  • Automatically scan for newly created AdGroups and create RSAs in those AdGroups in a schedule

  • Submit the Ads directly to Google or download a csv file for QA that can be manually uploaded later

  • Use both Google Sheets and SmartSheets to input data

How to use Alli RSAs 2.0:

  1. Setup your Google Sheet or Smartsheet and your marketplace app - details can be found on this page: How-To: Set Up Alli RSA 2.0

  2. Submit an onboarding request by adding your clients details to this sheet:

  3. Fill in your Google Sheet or Smartsheet with the necessary data and run the app. You may also run the app on a schedule to constantly scan for newly added AdGroups that match your inclusion exclusion logic and apply RSAs to them.

  4. Alli RSAs 2.0 uses “Labels” to identify and edit the RSAs or add new ones. Here is a table that would be useful in understanding when new RSAs get added and when existing RSAs get edited


Campaign AdGroups




New RSAs get created for the Campaign Adgroups that match the inclusion exclusion logic and the label is attached to them.

  1. If the headlines / descriptions / paths / URLs supplied in the input sheet are different from the ones already existing, the RSAs of existing Campaign Adgroups that match the inclusion exclusion logic get edited

  2. New RSAs get created for the new Campaign Adgroups that match the inclusion exclusion logic.


New RSAs get created for the Campaign Adgroups that match the inclusion exclusion logic and the label is attached to them.

  1. If the headlines / descriptions / paths / URLs supplied in the input sheet are different from the ones already existing, the RSAs of existing Campaign Adgroups that match the inclusion exclusion logic get edited

5. If you have any questions, reach out to your Alli Solutions Partner.

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