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How-To: Run an Action One-Off with Manual File


This how-to will walk you through manually uploading a file and running a one-off action, without permanently adjusting the datasource or updating the action’s schedule.


One Time Upload - Existing Actions

This can be useful if you don’t want to change the datasource of your action, but need to upload a few items. Like if your datasource is an Alli Data report, but you have a few extra items you’d like to automate

  1. Navigate to Actions

  2. For the action you would like to run, on the far right of the row under the three dots, select Audit.

  3. At the top left, click the dropdown arrow next to Run Now and select Upload & Run


  1.  In the modal that pops up, you can drag & drop your csv file or click Select files and select your files from your file finder

  2. Click Upload & Run and you are done! Note: This will not change your datasource or affect your existing schedule. To make a permanent change to manually uploaded files, update the datasource type in the Set Datasource step

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