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How to create a new Dashboard Section


Sections are used to organize your dashboard visualizations. You can group all the reports that are used by the same customer contact into one section, or group all weekly reports in one section, or use the sections in any way you find best for your customer.

The pinned section that appears in the page is used to highlight dashboard visualizations that already appear in other sections, but need additional visibility. The pinned section will always appear at the top of your Dashboard.


Dashboards and Sections cannot share a name with a Datasource. If the name matches an already existing Datasource, you will receive an error and have to create it again.

  1. To create a new section in your customer, click on the Add Section button in the Edit page highlighted in the screenshot below and insert a Name and Description for your section in the popup that appears.

  2. Give your section a name and click next

  3. You will land within the section you just created and can start adding dashboard visualizations.


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