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Tutorial: Getting started with Certified Datasources


This tutorial walks you through creating Certified Datasources in Alli, ensuring your data is clean, consistent, and ready for action. You’ll learn how to add platforms, align data, and certify a datasource to create a single source of truth for your insights.

Why it matters

Certified Datasources form the foundation of actionable insights in Alli. Without them, teams struggle with fragmented data, inconsistent reporting, and manual workflows. By building a Certified Datasource, you give your team a reliable, validated data source—ready to fuel features like Ask Alli and custom reporting, so you can move from insights to action faster.

What you’ll learn

This tutorial provides step-by-step guidance on:

  1. Onboarding a platform: Connect platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads to begin ingesting data.

  2. Backfilling data: Align historical data for accuracy and consistency across your reports.

  3. Building and refreshing your Certified Datasource: Validate and enable your datasource for use in Data Explorer and advanced features like Ask Alli.

Next steps

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