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Onboarding Vistar DSP


  • User creds with access to client Vistar DSP account

A shared [client] account is preferred over a personal account

Creating the Vistar DSP report

  1. Log into the Vistar UI using the user creds that has access to the client’s Vistar DSP account

  2. If it is a shared multi-account login, select the appropriate account:


  3. After successful login to the expected account, navigate to the Reporting section:

  1. Click on “Add Report” to create a new report:

  1. Build out the report with the following criteria:

    1. Date Range - Last 7 Days

    2. Time Zone - Default

    3. Filter - Select the advertiser you wish to create report for (i.e. Athleta, Shake Shack)

    4. Group By: Select the columns checked in below screenshot! Select "Day" as the Date Interval


  1. Click Load Report

  2. Add Spots in to metrics selection by clicking on Metrics: 1 removed, checking it and then clicking Apply:

  1. With all of the columns selected and all metrics checked, click Save Report

    1. Report name - ADL - vistar_insights_ad - {client_name}

    2. Public - check if you wish for it to be available to all users under account

    3. Click Save.

Creating and Backfilling the datasource

  1. Open the Alli Data Library 2.0 - Onboard Platform app or install it if it is not already available for your client in Alli Data (follow this section Tutorial: Onboarding a platform | Creating-your-datasources-using-Alli-Marketplace for detailed instructions)

  2. Create the Vistar datasource by selecting the Vistar DSP option under platform dropdown and execute the Alli Data Library 2.0 - Onboard Platform app.

  1. Locate the datasource that was created

  2. Authenticate datasource using the Vistar DSP Reporting UI creds.

  3. Select the report you created using the previous steps above (ADL - vistar_insights_ad - {client_name}):

  1. Click on Save.

  2. To backfill, you can use the Load Data API feature by selecting a date range and then clicking Load Data:

  3. To refresh the Data Library report after successful backfill, use the Alli Data Library 2.0 - Refresh app:

    1. If the app is not already installed, follow the steps in this document (Tutorial: Building and refreshing Certified Datasources ) to install, configure, and execute the Refresh app as n

    2. If the Alli Data Library 2.0 - Refresh Marketplace app exists for your customer, add the following variables to the dbt_vars.json file and trigger the App to build the Vistar DSP report for your client:

    "data_library_vistar_enabled": "True"


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