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Submitting a support ticket FAQ



Which priority should I choose?

Priority is a confusing term. Priority, in the case of service desk requests, does not mean, how fast would you like it done. Priority is based on a severity scale, which you can find here.

How can I get access to…… (Github, Alli Client, Alli Feature, Software Tools, Engineering vaults in 1Password)

Support (Engineering) provides access for Github repos, Alli Features (data, creative insights, etc….), 1Password Engineering vaults (client vaults described below), and Alli user access.

If your request is regarding access, please include the email address, and/or username, for anyone who needs access. Be specific regarding which access(es) is needed. Github for John is not a valid request 🚫. Which repo? Which John?

What should I write in my request?

Please take a look at this more detailed page on writing requests, but one of the most important things your request needs to contain is context.

Remember, the only person who knows the context for your request is you. Please include enough context so that someone doesn't have to ask you for it later. As the organization continues to grow, it's impossible to know every person, team, client, what a user may do, and what they may be working on currently.

What’s the difference between a Bug and a Feature request?

If your request begins with, "Can Alli/you/I do ........", it's likely a feature request. A feature request is for a feature(s) that does not exist yet, to your knowledge. If you know another client is using a feature, and you'd like to use it also, that's for General Support Help.

If it's not working as expected (documented), then it should be filed as a Bug.

Do I need to add a description too? I only need this simple thing…..

Remember, the only person who knows the context for your request is you. Please include enough context so that someone doesn't have to ask you for it later. As the organization continues to grow, it's impossible to know every person, team, client, what they do, and what they may be working on currently.

How do I get access to a client in Alli?

Should you or a new internal team member or an external team client user require Alli access, an existing Alli user should use the “Request Access” button in the Client Settings page.

Non-owners will see a “Request Access” button on the client users list.

How do I get access to a 1Password client vault?

If you need access to a client’s 1password vault, you’ll need to consult this sheet and reach out to the respective client owner within PMG.

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