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Alli Severity Priority Policy - Incidents


  • Severity priority levels measure the impact an incident has on business.

  • Our support team will help with solutions and incident escalation

  • We schedule incident resolution according to a variety of considerations

Reporting Incidents

Create an incident in our support system, providing as much information as you can about how to replicate the problem you're experiencing. We verify the incident and triage/resolve using our approach below. We'll also try to construct workarounds if needed.

Incident vs. Bug


An Incident denotes an unplanned disruption or a decline in service quality. Either the company, customers, or partners may experience harm, which warrants addressing the Incident as a higher priority than regular business tasks.


A software bug isn't automatically considered an incident. A bug can escalate to an Incident status if major functionalities of the platform are compromised.

Our Approach

PMG seeks to target the most critical incidents affecting the widest customer set. Incidents are prioritized based on the estimated impact on Alli users.

At PMG, we define priorities to confirmed incidents based on their severity in the following manner:

critical.png Severity 1 - Highest

A major system disruption with high business impact.

  • Production infrastructure outages: Production system is unavailable for all Alli users. A complete loss of service in production system or service is so severely impacted that business cannot reasonably continue operations.

  • Critical production application failure: A defined critical business process failure has occurred; business processes are halted, and no acceptable workaround exists.

P1 Examples
  • An extended outage that can not be resolved within a reasonable timeframe, halting automated actions not taking place that could result in marketing overspending or underspending.

  • Reports that drive account changes are populated with inaccurate data due to a system disruption, impacting multiple users.

  • Partner outage due to deprecated service that is impacting multiple customers

  • Customer data loss, a security breach, or when a client-facing service is down for all customers.  

PMG begins work on the Highest priority incident/bug as soon as reasonably possible and according with target SLAs.

P1 incidents generate an alert for on-call professionals for urgent attention no matter the time of day. P1 reported priorities will typically require internal and external comms.

highest.png Severity 2 - High

Severe system disruption causing significant business impact.

  • Production infrastructure outages: The production system is unavailable for a substantial number of Alli users.

  • Application process failure: A severe disruption in business-critical functionality causing serious disruption to operations but that does not impact the entire system. Major business process in production system is halted, and no acceptable workaround exists.

P2 Examples
  • A queue outage that is quickly resolved and causes minimal or no disruption to business functions.

  • This could include when a client-facing service is down for a sub-set of customers or a critical function within a system is not functioning.

  • A partners deprecation that can be resolved within 1 business day and does not cause major business disruption.

PMG will assess the severity and work on High-priority incidents as soon as reasonably possible and according to target SLAs.

P2 incidents alert on-call professionals for urgent attention no matter the time of day. P2 reported priorities may require internal and external comms depending on the ultimate severity.

medium.png Severity 3 - Medium

Single function failure with medium business impact.

  • Production infrastructure outages: The production system is unavailable for some Alli users.

  • Application process failure: Single business process is impaired, disrupting daily functions. Workaround is available but not sustainable.

P3 Examples
  • A dashboard is not automatically generating due to a data source for a single client erroring out, and the user needs support troubleshooting or amending settings to get it up and running.

  • A marketplace execution consistently runs later than expected or takes longer than normal.

PMG generally seeks to begin work on Medium-priority incidents in an upcoming sprint based on overall impact and capacity.

P3 incidents can be handled during daytime/working hours

low.png Severity 4 - Low

Minor/procedural issue, enhancement request, or question

  • Typically smaller paper cuts, such as cosmetic errors or non-critical functionality not behaving as expected.

  • Issue that a manageable workaround can address, questions relating to functionality, operability, requests for enhancements).

P4 Examples
  • New feature request, how to question, technology access needed

Low-priority incidents are worked on at PMG’s discretion and are typically fixed when our Developers are working in that product area and can easily resolve the problem identified.

P4 incidents can be handled during daytime/working hours

When in doubt

If you’re unsure which priority (severity) level to choose, select the more severe one!

Additional Resources

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