User Doc - Search Automation Google Sheet Overview
All current search automation tools integrate with Google Sheets, leveraging its versatile spreadsheet capabilities alongside the automated application scheduling of the Alli Marketplace.
These sheets facilitate data transfer between a user-friendly interface, like Google Sheets, and the actual platform itself, like Google Ads.
Within these sheets, a shared language is used to combine functionality across disparate SEM processes, like Sitelinks, RSAs, or Google Merchant Promotions.
Each column can be broken down into two groups:
These are values that are shared across various processes.
Column Name | Description | Usage |
Start Date End Date | These refer to the “flight date” of the specific ad the row is referring to. | Provide in MM/DD/YY |
Account Inclusions Account Exclusions | Utilizes Matching Logic to pair the row with applicable “Accounts” in the platform | Applicable accounts need to match what is included in ‘Accounts’ or ‘HQ’ tabs |
Camp Adgrp Inclusions Camp Adgrp Exclusions | Utilizes Matching Logic to pair rows with applicable campaigns / adgroups based on the most specific value provided. | This will match to what is pulled from the platform. |
Priority | A safeguard against improper user asset management, activated when the number of assets exceeds platform limits | If Priority is TRUE, the app will prioritize this asset if start and end dates are applicable. |
Approved | A True / False checkbox indicating whether to send the row to the platform |
These are specific to the unique asset the automation supports.
Column Name | Description | Usage | Used By |
Sitelink Id | This links SENT sitelinks to what is in the platform. | Do not change this column, the app will dynamically populate this. | Sitelinks |
Sitelink Display Text | The headline display text. | Please adhere to Google’s usage guidelines. | Sitelinks |
Sitelink Descriptions | The sitelink descriptions. | Please adhere to Google’s usage guidelines. | Sitelinks |
Sitelink Landing Page URL | The URL for the associated sitelink. | URLs must include https. Please adhere to Google’s usage guidelines. | Sitelinks |
Timezone | The timezone for the provided values. Determines when the sitelink will go live relative to the app execution. | America/Chicago America/Los_Angeles America/New_York Asia/Tokyo | Sitelinks |
Headlines 1-6 | Variable headlines which will contribute to the larger RSA, please follow copy guidelines. | Should include copy that can be dynamically generated using dynamic replacements. | RSAs |
Default Headlines 1-6 | Headlines that will fill the headline’s slot if included dynamic replacements can not be made. | Should include generic copy. | RSAs |
Path | Refer to the path listed in the ad. | Should align with copy guidelines. | RSAs |
Default Path | This path will be used if dynamic replacements are included and fail to match. | RSAs | |
URL | The URL of the add. | Must use https:// | RSAs |
Default Url | This URL will be used if the other column includes a dynamic replacement that fails to match. | Must use https:// | RSAs |
Label | Label for the ad | RSAs | |
Default Label | Label for the ad | RSAs | |
Pin to x | Whether or not the headline will be considered “pinned” in platform. | h1, h2, h3, etc. follow a similar format. | RSAs |
Message Type | This is a field for internal usage purposes and does not impact the application. | Fill with either Promo or Evergreen. | RSAs |