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Unlock the Power of First-Party Data

Alli Audiences empowers marketers to securely leverage their clients’ first-party data for smarter targeting and better campaign outcomes. Designed to protect customer privacy while maximizing value, this capability helps you transform raw data into actionable audience segments, seamlessly activating them across top platforms like Google, Facebook, and TikTok.

Audiences One-Sheeter: PMG_Alli_for_Audiences.pdf

Key Benefits

  • Safely manage sensitive data: Import first-party CRM data (e.g., customer, transaction, and supplemental data) securely. All data is hashed on ingestion, stored separately, and access is tightly controlled to ensure privacy.

  • Build and refine audience segments: Filter and blend first-party data to create curated, up-to-date audiences tailored to specific marketing goals.

  • Activate across platforms: Effortlessly deploy audience segments to advertising platforms (Google, Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat, LinkedIn, etc.,.) or Clean Rrooms (NBCU, Disney+, Roku, etc.,.).

  • Drive better performance: Unlock insights and create lookalike audiences to improve targeting, optimize campaign performance, and stretch your clients’ marketing budgets further.

Deliver Personalized and Impactful Marketing

In today’s privacy-first world, managing and utilizing first-party data is key to delivering personalized and impactful marketing. Alli Audiences gives you the tools to unlock your clients’ data potential securely, enabling them to spend smarter and connect with the right audience at the right time.

Learn how to import, segment, and deploy Audiences in Alli →

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