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Segmenting Lists

Refine Your Audience with Precision

Segmenting Lists allows you to refine existing audience lists into actionable segments. Whether you want to target specific customer groups or create subsets of your broader audience, this tool ensures you're always delivering relevant campaigns.

Why Segmenting Matters

  • Maximize Existing Data: Filter and refine existing audience lists to focus on high-impact groups without needing to upload new data.

  • Automate Segment Updates: Use dynamic filters that refresh segments whenever parent lists are updated, ensuring campaigns stay relevant.

  • Simplify Campaign Setup: Prepare tailored audiences that are ready to activate across multiple platforms.

Getting Started

  1. Explore Existing Lists:
    Review available data in the Lists section. Identify the list that aligns with your campaign goals, such as customer lists or transaction data.

  2. Create Your First Segment:
    In the Segments tab, click "Create New Segment" and select a parent list. Add filters to include or exclude specific customers, such as location or purchase behavior. For detailed instructions, see How-To: Create a Segment.

  3. Deploy to Partners:
    Choose a segment from the Segments tab or activate a full list from the Lists tab. Select the target platform and configure auto-refresh for ongoing updates.

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