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Importing Lists

Seamlessly Bring Audience Data Into Alli

Importing Audience Lists allows marketers to upload audience data from a variety of sources—such as CRMs, transactional datasets, and external platforms—into the Alli platform. This capability ensures all audience insights are centralized, enabling smarter segmentation, efficient activation, and more effective campaign targeting.

Why it Matters

  • Secure and Compliant Transfers: Import data using secure SFTP or other supported methods, with automatic PII hashing to ensure privacy compliance.

  • Centralized Data Management: Manage all your audience data in one place, streamlining workflows across campaigns.

  • Flexibility and Scalability: Import CRM lists, transaction data, and custom datasets with ease to build tailored audience segments.

Getting Started

  1. Set Up an SFTP Connection: Use the Alli SFTP manager to securely configure a file drop location for your data. See How-To: Set Up Alli SFTP for Audiences.

  2. Define Your Attributes: When creating a new list, specify column headers such as “Email” or “Purchase Date” to map imported data accurately.

  3. Enable Automatic Imports: For ongoing data updates, configure auto-imports to refresh lists whenever new files are uploaded.

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