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Import data to a list in alli audiences


Once you have created a new Audience List, you will want to import your audience file. You can setup a new audience list to import recurring files automatically, or import a one off list.


Know how you are getting your data: SFTP in alli audiences

There are 2 ways to create a new import:

  1. On an existing audience list:

    1. If you are setting up a new or one-off import to an existing list, on the Audience Lists page hover over the three dots to open the dropdown next to the audience you want to set up a new import. From the drop-down, select New Import

  1. Once you have created a new audience list

    1. You will see a page with options to select where your audience file is coming from. Select the appropriate option to configure your import based on whether you are using an alli SFTP or a regular SFTP.

Instructions on how to import from either SFTP can be found here:

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