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Alli Data Library Versions

Alli Data Library releases follow semantic versioning guidelines. For more information on how we use semantic versioning, see

This document serves as a comprehensive record of all releases, providing a snapshot of what's improved with in ADL 2.0.

PMG provides different support levels for different versions, which may include new features and bug fixes.

  • Active — We will patch regressions, new feature updates, new bugs, and include fixes for older bugs / quality improvements.

  • Critical — Newer minor versions transition the previous minor version into "Critical Support" with limited "security" releases for critical security and installation fixes.

  • Deprecated — ADL versions that are no longer maintained, nor supported via Alli Marketplace.

Latest Releases

Alli Data Library

Initial Release Date

Support Level

Support Until


June 2024



May 2024



May 2024



Apr 2024



Mar 2024



Feb 2024


August 2024


Nov 2023


June 2024


Oct 2023


May 2024




End of Life ⚠️

Planned future releases

Future Release Dates are tentative and subject to change.

Data Library

Planned Release

Critical & Marketplace Support Until


Sept 2024

Best Practices for Upgrading

Because of our new version practice, we’ve outlined our best practices and expectations for ADL Users to upgrade as we continue to release new features and versions of Data Library.

Upgrading to a new patch versions

We expect all users to upgrade to patches as soon as they are available. When we refer to a “minor version” of Data Library such as v2.2, we are always referring to the latest available patch release for that minor version. We encourage teams to structure your development and production environments so that you can always install the latest patches of alli-datalibrary-dbt.

Upgrading to new minor versions

During the official support period, minor versions, e.g. v2.1.0. Will remain available within Alli Marketplace. While we do not expect users to immediately upgrade to the newest minor versions as soon as they are available, there will always be some features and bug fixes only available at certain versions for users of the latest minor version.

Trying prereleases

All Data Library versions will be available as prereleases (release candidates) before the final release. “Release Candidates” are available for testing, in production-like environments (e.g. within Alli Marketplace), at least one week before the final release. For minor versions, we also aim to release one or more betas, which include new features and invite user feedback. It’s in your interest to help us test prereleases and betas-we need your help!

How Data Library uses semantic versioning

Like many software projects, Data Library follows semantic versioning, which defines three types of version releases.

  • Major versions: To date, Data Library has had two major version release: v1.0.0 and v2.0.0. When v3.0.0 is released, it will introduce new features, and functionality that has been announced for deprecation will stop working.

  • Minor versions, also called "feature" releases, include a mix of new features, behind-the-scenes improvements, and changes to existing capabilities that are backwards compatible with previous minor versions. They will not break code in your project that relies on documented functionality.

  • Patch versions, also called "bugfix" or "security" releases, include fixes only. These fixes could be needed to restore previous (documented) behavior, fix obvious shortcomings of new features, or offer critical fixes for security or execution issues. We are judicious about which fixes are included in patch releases, to minimize the surface area of changes.

We are committed to avoiding breaking changes in minor versions for end users of Data Library. Two Examples of breaking changes would be:

  • Additional Columns to datasources. These changes are relevant only to platform.

  • Alli Data Datasource updates due to 3rd Party API changes.

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