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ADL v2.1 (January 2024)

Release version


Release date


Alli Data Library v2.1 is now available. Here's what's new:

What to know before upgrading

Breaking changes

Facebook Ads

Conversion metrics have been renamed and simplified to exclude the attribution setting from the column name itself. Instead, the attribution_setting dimension is included to denote the the attribution setting associated with the conversion, e.g., pulling purchase conversions with a 1-day view, 7-day click attribution:

  sum(offsite_purchase_conversions_1d_view_7d_click) as purchase_conversions
from {alli_client_slug}_core.facebookads__ad_performance
  sum(offsite_purchase_conversions) as purchase_conversions
from {alli_client_slug}_core.facebookads__ad_performance
where attribution_setting = '1d_view_7d_click'
group by attribution_setting

This affects all of Facebook Ads' performance reports:

  • facebookads__ad_performance

  • facebookads__adgroup_performance

  • facebookads__campaign_performance

  • facebookads__account_performance

This is a breaking change that requires a change in SQL that references any of the mentioned reports above. We recommend making these changes before upgrading.

If you would like to see the different attribution setting values before upgrading, run:

select distinct attribution_setting from {alli_client_slug}.facebookads_insights_adconversion

Snapchat Ads

New structure datasources have been introduced for Snapchat Ads to better track your ad campaigns' latest settings and attributes. If your customer is running on Snapchat, the following updates are required before upgrading:

New features and enhancements

Apple Search Ads now available in ADL

Apple Search Ads is now available in Data Library. To onboard this platform to your data library, follow the standard onboarding workflow. (Refer this Onboarding Apple Search Ads to Data Library for detailed information)

New Snapchat Ads structure datasources

Snapchat Structure datasources have been introduced for Snapchat Ads to better track your ad campaigns' latest settings and attributes.

New queryable columns in account_performance for Snapchat:

  • account_name

New queryable columns in ad_performance for Snapchat:

  • account_name

  • ad_type

  • ad_status

New queryable columns in adgroup_performance for Snapchat:

  • account_name

  • adgroup_type

  • adgroup_status

New queryable columns in campaign_performance for Snapchat:

  • account_name

  • campaign_status

  • campaign_objective

  • campaign_daily_budget

  • campaign_start_date

  • campaign_end_date

If your customer is running on Snapchat, follow the steps under the What to know before upgrading section above.

New Facebook Ads Geo report

Facebook Ads Geo report is now available in Data Library. To onboard this report to your data library, follow the standard onboarding workflow (Tutorial: Getting started with Certified Datasources):

New Facebook Ads metric: Video ThruPlays

A new video metric, video_thruplays, has been added to all Facebook Ads reports.

See Meta - ThruPlays for more information on this metric.

This column needs to be added to the facebookads_insights_ad table within Alli Data. To verify it’s been added before upgrading search for video_thruplay_watched_actions in the metrics section of the datasource.

If it is not selected do the following:
Select It, Save it, and backfill 30 days.

If you need the metric for historical reference: Tutorial: Backfilling data for a platform

New Linkedin Ads metric: Conversions Value

A new metric, conversions_value , has been added to all Linkedin Ads reports.

This column needs to be added to the linkedin_insights_campaign and linkedin_insights_creative table within Alli Data. To verify it’s been added before upgrading search for conversionvalueinlocalcurrency in the metrics section of the datasource.

If it is not selected do the following:
Select It, Save it, and backfill 30 days.

If you need the metric for historical reference: Tutorial: Backfilling data for a platform

Bug fixes

Fix NULL Google Ads geo target names

The Google Ads geo performance reports have been updated to display the previously NULL geo target names (country_name, region_name, city_name).

This affects the following reports:

  • googleads__geo_region_performance

  • googleads__geo_country_performance

Fix missing Facebook Ads conversions

The conversion metrics for Facebook Ads have been updated to display the proper conversion values regardless of the customer’s attribution setting. Whereas previously, the metric was only getting populated if the campaign or ad set utilized a 1-day view, 7-day click attribution.

Please see the What to know before upgrading section above for more information

Additionally, the total_conversions metric was updated to display the actions metric from Facebook Ads (previously this was NULL).

Fix incorrect Reddit Ads conversions

The conversion metrics for Reddit Ads have been updated to account for the attribution window setting (day, week, month) of the ad account. Previously, all conversions were being mapped from the day attribution window regardless of the attribution window found in account settings.

This affects all of the Reddit Ads reports:

  • redditads__ad_performance

  • redditads__adgroup_performance

  • redditads__campaign_performance

  • redditads__account_performance

For more information, see any of the Report Field Mappings docs to see the updated field mapping definitions for Reddit Ads.

This requires the following column additions to the redditads_insights_ad datasource:




Please upgrade the datasource before moving on to upgrading the Marketplace App.

Fix LinkedIn Ads unrecognized type column issue

Fixed Unrecognized name: type error for some customers running LinkedIn Ads.

Other changes

Refresh app performance enhancements

The Alli Data Library 2.0 - Refresh app has been enhanced return fewer test warnings and run quicker overall.

How to upgrade

Make sure to read through the What to know before upgrading section, and make the necessary updates before upgrading

To upgrade, simply select the appropriate version of the ADL 2.0 Refresh app, save, and run.

E.g., upgrading to v2.1


🚀 Tutorials

(lightbulb) How-tos

🔍 Reference

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