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ADL v2.2 (February 2024)

Release version


Release date


Alli Data Library v2.2 is now available. Here’s what’s new:

Behavior Changes

Facebook Ads

The ADL 1.0 Datasources facebook_insights_ad and facebook_insights_adset have been integrated into Alli Data Library for Legacy Historical Reporting due to a 37 month backfill limit from the Meta Ads API:

To enable legacy reporting add the following line to the dbt vars JSON file. This is disabled by default.

"data_library_facebookads_legacy_datasource_reporting_enabled": "True"

The legacy reporting uses a new conversion based datasource to ensure alignment to the Meta Ads Manager UI for campaigns that ran before 2023: facebookads_insights_adconversion_pre2023 is the Alli Datasource Name.

When loading historical data for facebookads_insights_adconversions_pre2023 ensure to load facebookads_insights_ad with same backfilling dates as above.

Below is a table that showcases the new tables that have been added to the workflow:





facebookads_insighst_adconversion ( with publisher_platform, data from 2023)

facebookads_insighst_adconversion ( with publisher_platform, data from 2023)

facebookads_insights_adconversion_pre2023 (without publisher_platform, data from 2021 to 2023)

facebookads_insights_adconversion_pre2023 (without publisher_platform, data from 2021 to 2023)

legacy facebook_insights_ad (data before 2021)

legacy facebook_insights_adset (data before 2021)

Microsoft Ads

ADL has upgraded to the latest Microsoft Ads datasource connector and created all new datasources which enables the following features

  • Impression Share specific datasources

  • Conversion Goals now available

  • A date column to utilize the drop and backfill feature within the audit pane

These new datasources are named microsoftads_insights_ vs. bing_insights_

In order to utilize the new features for Microsoft Ads, you’ll need to upgrade the version of the associated model to the _v2 version. We are doing this to allow the data consumer to upgrade to the new datasources at their connivence vs. forcing the updates at the same time.

e.g. microsoftads__ad_performance_v2

We are utilizing a new feature of dbt called model versioning which enables a future state of a model without breaking the existing model.

We are currently working on getting historical data due to the 37 month backfill limitation from the Microsoft Ads API so for now, v2 is for customers to build integration targets with it if you need data from over 37 months ago.

New features and enhancements

New DSP Platforms Available

Vistar Media

Vistar Media is now available in Data Library. To onboard this platform into your data library, follow the following workflow: Onboarding Vistar DSP

Then authenticate and backfill accordingly via the Alli Data. Here is a link to the Vistar Media Alli Data Datasource Documentation: Vistar Media

If the Alli Data Library 2.0 - Refresh Marketplace app exists for your customer and they have Vistar reports enabled , add the following variables to the dbt_vars.json file and trigger the App to build the Vistar reports to your client:

    "data_library_vistar_enabled": "True"


Criteo is now available in Data Library. To onboard this platform into your data library, follow the standard onboarding workflow and select Criteo within the platform drop down list.

ADL Standard Onboarding Workflow: Tutorial: Onboarding a platform

Then authenticate and backfill accordingly via the Alli Data. Here is a link to the Criteo Alli Data Datasource Documentation: Criteo

If the Alli Data Library 2.0 - Refresh Marketplace app exists for your customer and they have Criteo reports enabled , add the following variables to the dbt_vars.json file and trigger the App to build the Criteo reports to your client:

    "data_library_criteo_enabled": "True"

Google Ads Performance Max Report

A new Performance Max specific report is now available to be enabled for customers.

This report showcases the impressions, clicks, and cost across all placements, shopping, (utilizing the Shopping Performance Report), Display and Video Placements (using the asset interaction target).

Field Mapping for this report can be found here:

Data Library Field Mapping - Google Ads Performance Max

To onboard this platform into your data library, follow the standard onboarding workflow and select Google Ads within the platform drop down list. This will create 2 new datasources: googleads_settings_asset and googleads_insights_campaign_interactiontarget for you to authenticate and backfill accordingly via Alli Data.

ADL Standard Onboarding Workflow: Tutorial: Onboarding a platform

If the Alli Data Library 2.0 - Refresh Marketplace app exists for your customer and they have would like this Performance Max report enabled , add the following variable to the dbt_vars.json file and trigger the App to build this report for your client:

    "data_library_googleads_performance_max_reporting_enabled": "True"

Calculated Metrics are now available within Alli Certified Datasources & Ask Alli

The following metrics are now available within Alli Data Certified Datasources and Ask Alli:

  • cpc

  • cpm

  • ctr

  • platform_roas

  • cvr

These metrics are calculated within the Data Explorer UI Report Builder itself and not available if you query the objects outside of that.

Other Changes

Backend Authentication Changes for BigQuery based executions

Alli Data Library now utilizes a new connection method for BigQuery based executions. All new Alli Managed BigQuery Projects are now supported with this v2.2 upgrade.

Platform Drop Down list in Onboarding & Backfill Apps are now Alphabetical

The platform drop down list within the Alli Data Library - Onboarding and Alli Data Library - Backfilling Apps are now alphabetical.

Known Issues

  • Random Timeouts within the ad_performance model on BigQuery. This is currently being investigated.

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