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Alli Data Library v2.7


Alli Data Library v2.7 is now available. Here's what's new:

What to know before upgrading

Breaking changes

There are no Breaking Changes for this release.

Behavior changes

There are no Behavior Changes for this release.

New features and enhancements

New Budget Pacing Certified Datasource

A new Budget Pacing certified datasource is now available for clients within ADL2.0. It can be found on the Data Explorer page and queried as {client_slug}_core.budget_pacing_performance.

Each row within the certified datasource represents the combined budget details from budget_pacing Google Sheets and performance data for a campaign from a given platform. Currently, this certified datasource is in Public Review. Please refer to how to build a budget_pacing report for the client.

New DMA Dimensions Certified Datasource

A new DMA dimensions certified datasource is now available for customers with geo DMA reporting enabled within ADL2.0. It can be found on the Data Explorer page and queried as {client_slug}_core.dma_dimensions. This datasource showcases several DMA dimensions across platforms. Current available platforms are: Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Snapchat Ads, and TikTok Ads.

To onboard dma_dimensions for clients, at least one of the below needs to be in the dbt_vars.json file for the ADL2.0 Refresh Apps.

"data_library_facebookads_geo_reporting_enabled": "True",
"data_library_googleads_geo_reporting_enabled": "True",
"data_library_snapchatads_geo_reporting_enabled": "True",
"data_library_tiktokads_geo_reporting_enabled": "True"

New DMA dimensions are available in ADL2.0

ADL2.0 now provides and standardizes new DMA dimensions for Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Snapchat Ads, and TikTok Ads: (see (see Data Library Field Mapping - Geo DMA Performance for more details).

  • dma_id

  • dma

  • dma_name_nielsen

  • dma_short_name

  • latitude

  • longitude

  • hex_row

  • hex_col

  • dma_abbreviation

  • population_adult

  • households

The above dimensions are available within platform DMA models:

  • googleads__geo_dma_performance

  • facebookads__geo_dma_performance

  • snapchatads__geo_dma_performance

  • tiktokads__geo_dma_performance

7 new metrics are available for Pinterest Ads in ADL2.0

ADL2.0 now provides 7 new metrics for Pinterest Ads at Account, Campaign, Adgroup and Ad level performance models:

  • total_page_visit

  • paid_video_view

  • paid_video_p25_watched

  • paid_video_p50_watched

  • paid_video_p75_watched

  • paid_video_p95_watched

  • paid_video_p100_watched

content_landing_page is available for LinkedIn Ads in ADL2.0

A new dimension content_landing_page from the data source linkedin_structure_post is now available within the linkedinads__ad_performance model within Data Library 2.0.

Integrate Campaign_settings into Budget_pacing in ADL

A new Campaign_settings model, now integrated into Budget Pacing certified data source, will provide both account IDs and campaign IDs in Budget_pacing model, even if they are not available in the performance table.

3 new metrics are available for Snapchat Ads in ADL2.0

ADL2.0 now provides 3 new metrics for Snapchat Ads at Account, Campaign, Adgroup and Ad level performance models:

  • site_visit_conversions

    • conversion_view_content within datasource snapchat_insights_ad

  • site_visit_click_conversions

    • conversion_view_content_swipe_up within datasource snapchat_insights_ad

  • site_visit_view_conversions

    • conversion_view_content_view within datasource snapchat_insights_ad

clicks_all and frequency Metrics available under Facebook Reports in ADL

Metrics clicks_all and frequency are now available under standard metrics for all Facebook Ads reports

  • clicks column can now be added to facebookads_insights_ad , facebookads_insights_geo , facebookads_insights_dma to get the data for the clicks_all column in all Facebook Ads reports.

    • Note: clicks_all returns 0 when they are null or not selected in the data source.

  • Available frequency metric from facebookads_insights_ad, facebookads_insights_geo, and facebookads_insights_dma now can be accessed in all Facebook Ads reports.

Enable PassThrough Metrics for Snapchat DMA

Pass-Through metrics feature is now enabled to add required additional metrics for both snapchatads__geo_dma_performance and snapchatads__geo_region_performance

Video Metrics available under Yahoo Reports in ADL2.0

The following video metrics are now available under standard metrics for all Yahoo DSP reports

  • video_starts: Tracks the number of videos started.

  • video_p25_watched: Tracks the number of video starts that resulted in at least a 25% completed video.

  • video_p50_watched: Tracks the number of video starts that resulted in at least a 50% completed video.

  • video_p75_watched: Tracks the number of video starts that resulted in at least a 75% completed video.

  • video_p100_watched: Tracks the number of video starts that resulted in a 100% video completion.

Bug fixes

Fix platform_roas calculation for seachterm_performance model

Resolved an issue within ADL2.0 where platform_roas cannot be calculated successfully for seachterm_performance model due to the missing column total_conversions_value. The SQL statement has been corrected as

case when SUM(cost) = 0 then 0 else SUM(conversions_value)/SUM(cost) end

Refactor Google Merchant Center to fix Snowflake build errors

A new productissues_snowflake macro is created to bring in product_details for Snowflake.

Fix Leads mismatch for Facebook Ads

Resolved duplicated Leads metric by removing it at facbookads_insights_ad and just keeping it only infacbookads_insights_adconversion

Fix Update/Merge error for dma performance model

Resolves an issue within the Google Ads geo performance model where some dma_ids extracted from geo_target_constant_id were not actual DMA IDs, resulting in null values for the DMAs originally used for the combo test.

Other changes

Rename Geo DMA reporting for TikTok Ads

Geo DMA reporting model for TikTok Ads has been named tiktokads__geo_dma_performance to align with other platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and Snapchat Ads.

Upgrade to dbt v1.8

Alli Data Library 2.0 Refresh Apps are currently based on dbt v1.8. The versions for plugins are

  • dbt-core==1.8.3

  • dbt-redshift==1.8.1

  • dbt-bigquery==1.8.2

  • dbt-snowflake==1.8.3

The main updates are:

  • data_tests has replaced tests

  • configs part that needs to be moved to the dbt_project.yml file from the profiles.yml

Add 2 new models into the essential reporting

Alli Data Library 2.0 Refresh Incremental Apps have added 2 new models if the clients are enabled those reporting:

  • geo_dma_performance

  • Google Merchant Center models

Redshift Github Action WorkFlow

Adds a Redshift Github Action workflow as a CI/CD pipeline check for Redshift

How to upgrade

To upgrade, simply select the appropriate version of the ADL 2.0 Refresh app, save, and run


E.g. upgrading to v2.7


🚀 Tutorials

(lightbulb) How-tos

🔍 Reference

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