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How-To: Add a manual upload datasource

This article walks you through adding manual data to the Alli platform. Some examples of when you may use this include:

  • A one-off data load

  • To upload a vendor/partner file that is not supported by other Alli data connections


  1. Login to and navigate to Reporting in the sidebar

  2. Select the Add New Datasource button

  3. Scroll down and select the Manual Upload data source type and give it a name

  4. Define your data by adding your columns, ensuring the column header name and data type match what is in your data file

  5. Hit Next to save your columns and enable the Load Data section

  6. Select the Choose File button and browse then select your file

  7. Click Upload File to start your upload

When adding your file schema (column headers & data type) you can drag and drop your data file onto the + to quickly add all columns instead of adding them manually.


Manual uploads are limited to 100 MB files. You can zip files to reduce the file size. Within the zip files, it could be multiple files or all the files inside of a folder. 

CSV files are preferred, however, the following file types are also supported:

File Type


Comma Separated File


Tab Separated File


Microsoft Excel 2013+


Microsoft Excel 2001+


Microsoft Excel Binary


Microsoft Excel Macro Enabled


Zipped Files (Which include any of the above)

.zip, .gz

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