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How-To: Find which platforms and reports are enabled


This guide explains how to find which platforms and reports are enabled in your Certified Datasources.


1.) Navigate to Reporting → Reports, click on New Data Report button and select the SQL - Edit Custom SQL option

2.) Run the following query by clicking the Preview button (with alli_client_slug being the client name found in Alli Central):

select distinct platform
from {alli_client_slug}_core.ad_performance
order by platform;

If it returns an error (e.g., relation "ad_performance" does not exist), Certified Datasources likely has not been enabled for the customer.

For setup instructions, see Tutorial: Getting started with Certified Datasources

You may choose to save the report for future use by clicking on the Save button

3.) To check if a specific report is enabled, replace ad_performance with the chosen report name (see Certified Datasources | Available-reports)

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