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Onboarding Apple Search Ads to Data Library


  • Access to clients Apple Search Ads Auth credentials.

Datasource setup for user:

Please follow this Datasource setup documentation for authenticating Apple Search Ads datasources. Review the document, starting from Inviting users section.

Onboarding the Apple Search Ads to ADL 2.0:

  • Create the Apple Search Ads datasources by selecting the Apple search ads under platform dropdown and execute the Alli Data Library 2.0 - Onboard Platform App (follow this documentOnboarding a platformfor detailed information)

  • Backfill the datasources using Alli Data Library 2.0 - Backfill Platform app for required dates (follow this documentBackfilling data for a platformfor detailed information)

  • If the Alli Data Library 2.0 - Refresh Marketplace app exists for your customer, add the following variables to the dbt_vars.json file and trigger the App to build the Apple search Ads reports to your client (if app does not exist, follow Building and refreshing your ADL reports):

        "data_library_applesearchads_enabled": "True",
        "data_library_applesearchads_searchterm_reporting_enabled": "True",


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