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Tutorial: How to Automatically Delete and Backfill a Datasource on Schedule


This app will automate the manual process of deleting and refilling your datasources. This app can be set on a schedule and be set to delete and backfill for either today, the last 7 days or the last 30 days.


  1. From the left hand side navigation, select Browse. This will show a list of available templates you can use.


  2. Select any templates to see a description, when it was last updated, how many active installs it has across Marketplace, as well as any prerequisites or set-up instructions.

  1. Search for “delete and backfill datasource” and click the plus button on the app template.image-20240917-200607.png

  1. Click on “Install App”image-20240917-200619.png

  2. Add in your datasource id and the date range

When scheduled, it will update based on the designated date range, starting from the moment the scheduled run is activated. For instance, if you configure it to cover the previous week and set it to run on a weekly basis, it will consistently process data for the seven days leading up to its scheduled runtime


  1. Once you have completed your inputs, you can either Save or Save and Run your app. Save and Run will kick off an immediate execution of the app, and you can QA the app while it is running, or after it is completed using the instructions found in How-To: QA your app, or Save will save your inputs, and your app will run at the next scheduled time you set up in your schedule.

When scheduled, it will update based on the designated date range, starting from the moment the scheduled run is activated. For instance, if you configure it to cover the previous week and set it to run on a weekly basis, it will consistently process data for the seven days leading up to its scheduled runtime.

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