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Migration Guide

What is happening?

Alli Data Library (ADL) is being completely upgraded to its new 2.0 version. ADL 2.0 offers three key benefits:

  1. Self Service Capabilities for Platform Onboarding, Backfilling and Data Refreshing utilizing Alli Marketplace

  2. Simplified ad account hierarchy-based views that are cross channel first

  3. Platform specific data objects that keep the platform naming standards, e.g. no need to query search_ad when you only care about Google Ads data

Why are we doing this?

When ADL 1.0 was first imagined and developed by the Data Engineering team, the main goal was to provide channel-specific reports used for various purposes from basic reporting to automations across all PMG customers. The emphasis media channel stemmed the product’s initial use case: to provide SEM teams a standardized report schema for alerts (e.g., search_ad, search_campaign, etc.). As the product continued to evolve, the team realized that the way the product was initially designed does not scale to all the different ways our teams need to access data.

How can I prepare?

To ensure a smooth migration for users, we will be facilitating the 2.0 onboarding process for all current PMG customers throughout Summer 2023.

If you’re wanting to onboard a new customer on or after June 2023, please seeTutorial: Getting started with Certified Datasources to get started.

If you’re looking to migrate an existing solution from ADL 1.0 to 2.0, see the following migration guides:

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