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Alli Priority Policy - Bugs


  • Priority levels help us understand the impact a software bug has.

  • Our Support team is here to assist with workarounds and bug reporting.

  • Non-critical bugs are scheduled based on a range of considerations.

Reporting Software Bugs

Report an Issue/Bug/Defect in our support system, providing as much information as you can about how to replicate the problem you're experiencing. We'll try to replicate the bug to verify and, if successful, tackle it using our approach below. We'll also try to construct additional solutions if needed.

Incident vs. Bug


An Incident denotes an unplanned disruption or a decline in service quality. Either the company, customers, or partners may experience harm, which warrants addressing the Incident as a higher priority than regular business tasks.


A software bug isn't automatically considered an incident. A bug can escalate to an Incident status if major functionalities of the platform are compromised.

Our Approach

At PMG, we aim to tackle the most critical bugs impacting the majority of our users. Bugs are prioritized based on their anticipated impact on Alli users.

Bugs are assigned priorities as follows:

Priority 1 - Highest

The bug or defect will be significant enough to negatively impact the overall functionality of the app, resulting in a complete system failure.

  • Highest-priority bugs must be addressed immediately.

  • They often affect functionality and impact business in a big way.

  • No reasonable workaround solution.

P1 Examples
  • SFTP storage is at capacity and new reports cannot be dropped, resulting in inaccurate reporting that decisions are being made from

  • Edit button not linking to correct page, unable to modify business-critical features.

  • Dimensions and metrics are not displaying, cannot setup or modify data sources.

  • Action did not run due to erros.

PMG begins work on the Highest-priority bugs as soon as reasonably possible and according to target SLAs.

Priority 2 - High

The bug or defect will impact a large portion of Alli’s features and functionality.

  • Defects that have a large impact on business.

  • No reasonable workaround solution.

P2 Examples
  • Save button is not working when trying to add a new SFTP within settings.

  • Datasource didn’t load, need help backfilling.

  • Cannot deselect a dimension/metric/attribute causing load errors.

PMG will assess the severity and work on High-priority bugs as soon as reasonably possible and according to target SLAs.

Priority 3 - Medium

The bug or defect may interrupt Alli, causing it to behave in a less-than-optimal way, but it will not disrupt the full functionality.

  • Defects that have a low impact on business.

  • They can be fixed in the upcoming release and do not require immediate attention.

  • A reasonable workaround solution is available.

P3 Examples
  • Datasource delayed loading the past few days, still within a reasonable time for reporting needs.

  • UI glitches or blinks once before fully loading.

PMG generally seeks to begin work on Medium-priority incidents/bugs in an upcoming sprint based on overall impact and capacity.

Priority 4 - Low

The bug or defect will not significantly impact Alli’s overall functionality.

  • The bug does not have to be fixed immediately.

  • Defects are those that have a negligible impact on the business

P4 Examples
  • Marketplace app ran failed once this morning but then ran again without issues.

Low-priority bugs are worked on at PMG’s discretion and are typically fixed when our Developers are working in that product area and can easily resolve the problem identified.

When in doubt

If you’re unsure which priority level to choose, select the more severe one!

Additional Resources

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