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How-To: send a deployment to The Trade Desk


This how-to article walks you through creating a new activation or deployment to The TradeDesk for a segment or audience.


You will need an API login to generate a new API token

Add your TTD Advertiser ID to Alli Audiences

  1. From within The TradeDesk, find and copy your advertiser id for the client/account you want to send audiences to.

  2. Log into Alli and navigate to your Alli Audience settings page

  3. Paste the copied TradeDesk account ID to the TradeDesk Advertiser ID field and click Save

Generate a TTD API token and add it to Alli Audiences

Before getting started, navigate to and make sure you have CRM Data Management Upload Access. If not, please reach out to the trade desk representative and request an account upgrade to your API login.

  1. Navigate to, and generate a new API token.
    Note: You must be logged into an account with API access. This may be a separate account from your regular TTD account login.

  2. Generate a new toke

  3. Enter the Token Name and Lifetime value, then select Generate Token

  4. Copy your token using the copy to clipboard button

  5. Back within your Alli Audiences Setting page, select the Trade desk button

  6. Click add token

  7. Paste in your copied token and enter the display name you want to appear within Audiences.

  8. You can now deploy a segment normally and choose theTradeDesk as the deployment location.

  9. This will bring you to the deployment form in which you can select or create new trade desk segments. Select the correct PII type depending on your audience and save & send it.


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