How-To: Activate a Segment to Linkedin
This how-to article walks you through how to create a new activation or deployment to Linkedin using a segmented audience.
Before You Start
Make sure you have authenticated Linkedin within your client settings page
2. Make sure you have a segment to activate. You can find a tutorial on How-To: Create a Segment to filter down to a specific audience at the link.
Navigate to the Activation Publisher Platform page from one of two starting points
If you just created a segment, click ‘Save & Activate’.
Or if you are activating on an existing segment, navigate to the Segments tab, hover over the three dots to the right of your segment, and click ‘Activate Segment’
You should find yourself here. Select Linkedin to continue.
Your actual activation platform options may vary from above.
Confirm the name/description of your activation or change if you would like it to be something other than the segment name.
Confirm the segment to activate is correct.
Check the auto-refresh box if you want this activation to auto-deploy when it detects new data in your segment.
Confirm your Authenticated User and select the Linkedin Ad Account to send this segment
The Authenticated User will either be you or an admin on your account team.
The Authenticated User may have access to multiple brands’ Linkedin Accounts. Please double-check what client you’re activating in to make sure the list goes to the right place.
Select the LinkedIn Custom Audience that this segment will be associated with, or click the blue plus to create a new Linkedin Custom Audience.
If creating a new Linkedin Custom Audience, give it a name and description in the pop-up.
You will then see your new Linkedin Custom Audience populate in the dropdown
Click ‘Save & Send’ top right.
You will then get sent to the Activation History page and see a Deployment Queued notification popup.
Refresh the page. When the segment has activated, you will see a green check appear next to the segment.
Nice! You’ve successfully activated a segment to Linkedin. From here, you can create a lookalike audience from your segment or use it directly when targeting a campaign.