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Media Planner

Collaborate and Optimize Your Media Plans

The Media Planner tool in Alli streamlines the way teams create, manage, and optimize media plans. Built for collaboration, Media Planner provides a centralized workspace where marketers can build plans, align investments, and map them to real-world performance data. With built-in features for connecting plans to measurable outcomes, Media Planner helps ensure every decision drives results.

Why Media Planner Matters

  • Centralized Collaboration: Bring teams together in a shared workspace to create, refine, and share media plans seamlessly.

  • Data-Informed Planning: Map plans to actual performance data, enabling users to track alignment between planned and actual outcomes.

  • Streamlined Workflow: Simplify workflows by housing media plans, performance data, and collaboration tools in one unified platform.

  • Increased Visibility: Stay on top of investments and outcomes with tools that connect planning to results, ensuring greater accountability.

Getting Started

  1. Create a Media Plan

Build custom media plans using Media Planner’s centralized interface. Collaborate with stakeholders to refine budgets, channel allocations, and timelines in real time.

  1. Connect Plans to Performance Data

Use built-in mapping features to align planned media activities with actual performance, helping you make data-driven adjustments and track impact.

  1. Collaborate in Real Time

Invite team members to review and update plans, ensuring alignment across stakeholders and streamlining approvals.

User Guides

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