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How-To: Categorize CM360 conversions


By default, Campaign Manager 360 (CM360) returns all conversions regardless of the assigned activity type. This guide explains how to use Categorizations to classify these conversion activity types and exclude non-essential conversions.



1.) Determine which activity types you expect to see conversion numbers from for CM360 by running the following query:

select distinct activity
from {alli_client_slug}.cm360_insights_creative
where activity not like '%not set%'
order by activity

example output

2.) Navigate to Reporting → Categorizations in Alli, and select the display_conversion_activity categorization

3.) Fill out the categorization rules as necessary:

  • Categorize specific activities as Conversion to include them as CM360 conversions

  • Any activities not included in the list will be categorized as a Non-conversion and excluded from all Certified Datasources

e.g., I only want to include Account Sign Up and Add to Cart activities as CM360 conversions

4.) Save and Publish the categorization

5.) Re-run the ADL 2.0 - Refresh app (see Tutorial: Building and refreshing Certified Datasources)

6.) Validate your changes by querying your Certified Datasource

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