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How-to apply network settings in Google Ads


This Action allows you to edit what networks your campaigns will target in Google Ads, including Search Partners and GDN.


This Action setup uses the Settings - Google Ads Network Setting Action Type

  1. Set up your change logic

    1. Set up your Alli Data Explorer Report, referring to the Getting started with Explorer Reports | Custom-SQL Custom SQL instructions

    2. Copy and paste the SQL Example in from below and update anything within and including { } to match your client settings

    3. Once your SQL is updated, click Publish to update the query

    4. Click Preview to ensure the output is as expected

  2. Create a new Action

    1. Go to Alli Actions then select Create Action

    2. Filter the Vendor column for Google Ads and select the Settings - Google Ads Network Setting Action Type


    3. Name your Action and select the Authenticated Account, the user account you'd like to use for making changes. The user associated with this account should have access to the relevant ad accounts.

      1. Start by giving your action a descriptive name that reflects the changes you plan to make.

      2. Tip: If your desired account isn't listed, or you need to create a new one, refer to the authentication documentation for instructions on how to authenticate a partner platform.

    4. Click Next. Select the correct data source where your changes are coming from. Since we have just created an Alli Data report to power this action, that will be Alli Data

    5. Choosing Alli Data will prompt you to click Select Source so you can filter to and select the datasource or report of your choosing

    6. Click Save and review your Action setup.

    7. Review Action for accuracy. Set up a schedule for your Action if applicable. Select the blue Publish button.

    8. A pop up box will confirm your setup. Click I’m Done to exit.

    9. You can use this Google Sheet to reference Google Ads Network Setting options

SQL Example

Line 2: '{XXX-XXX-XXXX}' as login_customer_id,

  • This corresponds to the MCC ID. If you don’t have MCC for your account, this line can be removed.

    • Ex: ‘{XXX-XXX-XXXX}’ becomes ‘012-345-6789’

Lines 5-8

  • need to be either TRUE or FALSE, which value you want can be determined based on the Google Sheet linked above.

Lines 14/15:

  • replace with filters to restrict only to the campaigns you want to include. For example:

    • CODE
      (campaign_name ILIKE '%brand%'
      OR campaign_name ILIKE '%nonbrand%')
  • If you have more than one condition (like the example above) make sure to keep/include the parentheses surrounding your filters.

Context for the WHERE section below:

  • This is where you choose campaigns to include or exclude from this action. 

  • The way this is done is by saying “campaign_name ILIKE '%TEXTHERE%'”. 

  • The ILIKE means “contains” and is not case sensitive, it will match uppercase or lowercase. 

  • The TEXTHERE piece is where you can put common pieces of your campaign names to identify which campaigns to select, such as “brand”, “nonbrand”, “retargeting”, etc. 

  • That text needs to be surrounded by a tick ' on each side 

  • The percent signs mean that it is looking for that text no matter what is before or after it in the campaign name. 

  • Essentially using percent signs means “look for campaign names that contain this text”, not using percent signs would mean “look for campaign names that exactly match this text”

    • Example

    • ILIKE '%part%' will match to party & apartment

    • ILIKE 'part%' will match to party but not apartment


  • Lines 5 thru 8 need to be either TRUE or FALSE, which value you want can be determined based on the Google Sheet linked above.

SELECT distinct
  '{XXX-XXX-XXXX}' as login_customer_id,
   account_id as customer_id,
   '{TRUE/FALSE}' AS google_search,
   '{TRUE/FALSE}' AS search_network,
   '{TRUE/FALSE}' AS partner_search_network,
   '{TRUE/FALSE}' AS content_network

FROM {client}_core.campaign_performance

campaign_name ILIKE '%brand%'
OR campaign_name ILIKE '%nonbrand%'

  AND campaign_status ILIKE 'ENABLED'

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